Chapter 68: When the truth is out...

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A/N: I really appreciate you guys are still reading this first ever fan fiction of mine. Thank you very much!! Please continue!!

Happy Reading!!


Ayame felt a lot better after what happened in the infirmary. She could think clearly and focus on today's practice match. However, she was still a little nervous when she decided to tell the other members about her past.

"How's your head, Ayame-chan?" Daichi asked her.

"I'm okay, Daichi-nii. It doesn't hurt much" she replied. The two childhood friends leaned on the wall inside the gym as they all took a break.

"Bokuto-san apologized to me earlier about what happened, by the way" she said.

"Yeah, we know. Their setter told us" he took a sip of his drink before continuing "I guess I feel a little bad for getting mad at him. It was a shock to us that you were hit but it was an accident and he apologized so it's all okay"

"Mhmm..." she hummed "Neh, nii-chan...I...I decided tell the others about what years ago..."

"What?!" he looked at her in bewilderment "Why? You don't have to tell them because I know it is going to be hard for you-"

She hugged the captain and buried her face on his chest "Maybe. But, I want to tell them. Sooner or later, they might find out and...I think it's better if I tell them in the first place...if you don't mind..."

"Well, I don't really mind but I'm worried about you. Why did you suddenly decide to tell them?"

"...Actually, nii, I...I already told someone about it...and...he didn't hate me. Please don't be mad..." she gripped his shirt tightly.

"I'm not mad. Who is it?"


For some reason, Daichi was relieved. He knew that the boy is really kind and understanding "I see. So it's Yamaguchi. Since when did you told him everything?"

"Just earlier. In the infirmary" she replied "After telling him, I felt relieved made me think that the team should learn the truth since...all of us are in the same prefecture. That news was pretty much known to all of us, after all"

"Yeah, though it was fabricated a bit to protect you. It was auntie's way of protecting you" he stroked her brown locks "Anyway, when are you telling the team?"


"Wha?! So fast!! Don't you need more time?"

"I have more than enough time, nii" she looked up at him "I'll be fine as long as you guys are there"

"Okay, leave it to your nii-chan" he smiled and gently ruffled her hair.

"Thanks, Daichi-nii-chan"


"Kenma, give me some tosses!" Hinata ran to the pudding haired teen, who only looked at him with his typical "lazy cat" face.

"What?" he looked at the ball on his hands "But...we're cleaning the gym..."

"Please? I wanna practice some spikes!!"

"..." the second year looked like he didn't want to.

"Oh? Shoyo-kun, are you going to practice some spikes?" Ayame stopped after she heard their conversation "With Kenma-san? I thought you were going to practice with Kageyama-kun"

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