Chapter 69: Penalty

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The violet eyed girl opened her eyes and saw the person she always wanted to see again. Tears pooled on the corner of her eyes as she reached out her hand to touch him.

"D-Dad..."her heart ached with longing and guilt and she wanted to bury herself in his warm arms.

"What's wrong? Why are you hesitating?" her father asked her in his kind voice.

"I....I did something very you...I...I don't think I deserve-"

Kaito knelt and hugged his beloved daughter "Really, Aya-chan, you're so stubborn like your mother...but...keeping the pain by're just like me"

She started crying in his embrace, letting out her anguish, guilt, and happiness that's been bubbling inside her for a long time "Dad...I-I'm very sorry...I'm sorry I-I killed you...I-I really didn't mean to. It's unforgivable but I-I hope you forgive me"

"I already forgave you a long time ago, Aya-chan. The day you pulled the trigger, I already forgave you because you are my daughter" he stroked her brown hair "It was unintentional and besides, I was grateful you tried to save me, since your father is a weak person-"

"That's not true!!" she looked up at him with tear stained eyes "You're a strong person, dad!! B-But...e-even when I shot that was still wrong...a-and...and I ended up shooting you..."

He sighed and ruffled her hair "Stubborn like her mother...Aya-chan, please, you're hurting yourself with that way of thinking. I told you, I don't blame you and I would never blame you for what you did, okay?"

She sniffled and wiped her tears "O-Okay...Thank you, dad..."

"That's a good girl" he smiled and messed her hair even worse.

", listen, I...I told someone and then, the others about that day..."

"Then? What did they say?"

"They...became emotional...but, they still accepted me...and it made me glad"

"I couldn't be more happier than that, Aya-chan" he kissed her forehead "You found people you could trust and rely on. I definitely approve that boyfriend of yours"

He smiled widely and made a thumbs up, causing for the girl's ears to turn red in embarrassment "H-How did you-"

"I've been watching you" he replied "Kazumi's been a little overprotective to you lately and so does Daichi. Ever since that day, I guess"

She made a small smile and looked at his violet eyes.

"You know, dad, I think...this is the first time in seven years I have a good dream about you...Before, almost every night, I had this nightmare...the sound of two gunshots, a sea of blood and...and two corpses...there's also this voice whispering hateful words. But...this is the first time I didn't have that nightmare..."

"I think I know why" he placed a hand on her cheek "Because you finally forgave yourself. You told this boy...etto, what's your boyfriend's name again?"

"Y-Yamaguchi Tadashi..."

"You opened up to Tadashi and he told you to forgive yourself. You had his support and you told your friends about it as well and none of them blamed you. This made you learn to forgive yourself and to move on. The shackles of the past that once restrained you is now gone and...your dad is happy about it"

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