Chapter 59: I'm here

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A/N: Happy 2019 to you guys!! I know it's late but I want to greet you guys! My new year is pretty hectic actually. I hope you guys are having fun. Lol not important. Hope you guys have a new and wonderful year ahead of you.

Anyway, new chapter for a new year! BTW, the long awaited season is finally coming!! Season 4 will be airing this 2019 in September, according to the news!! Ooooh!! Nationals!!

Once again, I don't own these pics. Credits to the owner/s.

Happy Reading!!


Yamaguchi couldn't believe what actually happened. He nearly forgot how to breathe as reality kept washing over him like a flood. Her violet eyes were wide in shock and her cheeks were tainted red. He could feel her heartbeat synching with his own and it embarrassed him even more.

"Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap..." his mind was racing and he didn't know what to do next.

"It's... sweet..." Ayame thought, though that only made her blush harder "W-W-What am I thinking?!"

Caught in the moment, he tilted his head and kissed her properly with half lidded eyes. Okay, he knew that what he's doing is supposed to be the opposite what any person would do in this situation, but it felt like his instinct and his feelings for her urged him to kiss her. And secretly, he loved how sweet it is.

Gosh, her lips are so soft, so full of innocence and sweetness. He always thought that her lips were really cute because of her natural pretty shade and he secretly wondered if they are soft. But, he always cut off his thoughts at that. It sounded so wrong to him, thinking that he could kiss her to satisfy his curiosity. Plus, the thought of the captain and her mother knowing his thoughts scared the heck out of him.

But, for Pete's sake, he actually used the accidental kiss as a chance to kiss her. He knew very well that once the captain and the mother knew what happened, he's going to kiss the earth goodbye. But for now, he didn't actually care. He's in love on how soft and sweet she is.

Ayame, on the other hand, was confused. The moment his lips touched hers, electricity traveled down her body and her face turned even redder when he tilted his head and kissed her. She didn't know what to do. One part in her mind told her to quickly pull back and distance herself. The other one whispered to respond...but how? She was surprised by the situation of course, but deep down, it just felt right to her.

Why? She didn't know. But, she was surprised how it tasted so sweet, much sweeter than the chocolates and cakes she tasted in her life... and she secretly loved it as well. Her body felt like it's going to melt as he kissed her in a soft and gentle manner. Everything is a stranger to her. The kiss, the crazy beatings of her heart, the butterflies in her stomach and her emotions. Strange, but she oddly loved it.

"I-Is this how others felt when they kiss someone?" she thought. She didn't know anything about kisses and such but her instinct responded to the kiss. He was surprised by her response but he kept kissing her softly, his hand caressing her brown hair. They almost forgot their aim to find a way to leave the room as her hand instinctively touched his freckled cheek.

"Is...this...a dream?" he wondered "I wonder if this is some sort of message...huh? Message?"

Yamaguchi suddenly sat up as an idea sparked in his mind, which resulted for their kiss to be broken. The two first years realized what they just did and look away in embarrassment. She sat slightly farther from him, her brown bangs covering her red face.

"I-I'm sorry..." she apologized, though the scene kept replaying in her mind causing for her face to heat up even more.

"A-Ah, no... I-I-I s-started it...sort of..."'he rubbed his nape as he resisted the urge to crawl inside a hole to hide his embarrassment "A-Anyway, I have an idea that can get us out"

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