Chapter 65: Errand

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"Um...D-Daichi-nii, there's no need to be depressed..." Ayame assured him after he sulked on the bench "It's pretty obvious that we're gonna lose after all..."

Score: Nekoma–25, Karasuno–17

"We didn't win... Kiyoko-san and the girls are going to suffer..." Nishinoya sobbed comically while his bald friend is in his Buddha praying pose.

"They were so worked up trying to win the match because it involved Ayame-chan and the girls" Sugawara shook his head and sighed "Now they're super's not like they're leaving us"

"We'll be fine, everyone" Shimizu stepped in "Ayame-chan, Hitoka-chan and I will be leaving you here for a while. Please make sure you stay rehydrated and don't overexert yourselves"

"Our goddess~...!" the second year duo wept from her words.

"Hai, here's the money" Kuroo interrupted them by giving the purse to Ayame "I think you girls know where the store is, right?"

She nodded. He grinned and ruffled her hair, making a certain person jealous from behind.

"I'll leave it to you"

"Oh, wait" she suddenly said "Can I bring someone with us?"

"Hmm... I guess it should be fine" he shrugged "Who are you bringing along?"

Nishinoya and Tanaka's hands instantly raised their hands. Hinata also wanted to join them because he wanted to go outside (and find the Skytree). Daichi silently raised his hand (big bro mode: on).

"Shimizu-san, can I decide this myself?" she turned to face their manager.

"Go ahead"

She was relieved the two agreed. She turned around and faced him.

"Tadashi-kun, can you join us?"

"Eh?! M-Me?" he pointed his self, a faint blush dusting his cheeks "A-Are you sure?"

"Yep" she nodded happily "I want you to come with us"

"Eh?! W-Well, if you and the others are fine with it..."

"We don't mind, Yamaguchi-kun!" Yachi said.

"It'll be assuring if you're coming with us" the third year manager nodded "And you're reliable, too"

"Kiyoko-san...are we that unreliable?" the libero mumbled.

"Very..." Ennoshita, Kinoshita, and Narita thought.

" is settled, then!" Sugawara patted the freckled teen's back "Yamaguchi will be their companion!! Any objections?"

"Yamaguchi, please make sure they come back safely!!" the two second years wailed while gripping the boy's shirt tightly "We're counting on you on their safety!!"

He sweat dropped at their reactions.

"I feel a little hurt Ayame-chan didn't pick me but...I'm somewhat relieved that it's Yamaguchi..." Daichi thought "Yamaguchi, take care of them"

"'s a miracle Daichi-san didn't give me a warning or something..." he sighed in relief.

"We're counting on you, bodyguard" the third year winked at him and pushed him forward. He obviously knew that the setter is shipping them and was silently amused that he didn't know anything about their current relationship.

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