Chapter 79: Should I...?

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A/N: Picture above is Ayame in her junior high uniform and when her hair was still short. Credits to the owner of the picture.

Happy Reading!!


"What should I do?"

Ayame still can't get over about Oikawa's message. She didn't want to go to a date with him because:

a.) Pretty sure that Daichi and the team won't allow that.

b.) She's kinda busy for the club.

c.) She already has a boyfriend.

The last reason seems reasonable enough for her. However, the reason she hasn't turned him down was:

a.) The Great King gave her a chance to watch their practice.

b.) He mentioned that they have a new player and she got (insanely) curious.

c.) Oikawa told her to take her time thinking about it.

Despite of his baiting, Oikawa was kind enough to give her time to think it over.

"Morning practice is about to start, Ayame-chan" Daichi told her "Will Auntie come?"

She shook her head "She'll come in the afternoon practice. For the meantime, let's focus on individual training"

While the players were doing serves, she pulled the managers aside after noticing that they are not busy.

"What's wrong, Ayame-chan?" Shimizu asked.

"Ano..." she fiddled with her hair "I...I'm kinda conflicted right now..."

She told them about Oikawa's message and how she hasn't declined him yet.

"Right now... I don't know if it's right to tell Tadashi-kun about this..." Ayame said as she glanced at the freckled teen "I...I really don't know what to do"

Shimizu and Yachi looked at each other before facing her.

"Ayame-chan" the third year started "Do you really want to watch Aoba Johsai?"

She guiltily looked away "I-I know it's wrong and selfish of me...but I want to observe them a bit...especially he mentioned a new player..."

"This is so like you, huh?" she smiled and patted her head "Baited by volleyball like before"

"I think it's better if you and Yamaguchi-kun talk about it since he's your boyfriend, Ayame-chan" Yachi suggested "I know it will be hard but it's better if you ask him if he will let you"

"That's right" Shimizu nodded "If he doesn't, then, it's understandable if he doesn't let you"

"Is that so...?" she clutched her chest "Every time I think about telling him, my chest hurts... what should I do...He's a kind person and...I could somehow tell that he'll be okay with it but..."

The two girls rubbed her back "Just give it time to think it over, okay?"



"The bell! First period's about to start!" Hinata panicked after hearing the school bell.

"Crap! It's Chemistry!!" Tanaka cursed as he quickly ran to the school building "I haven't finished my report!!"

"Tanaka!! Wear some pants before you leave!!" Daichi quickly called as soon as he saw the second year running wearing his boxers only.

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