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As our new guests made their way out of our house my eyes never dared to leave the direction of the door as both my hands were at work. My right hand based at the front door were planks of wood barricade the red door, and my left behind my back, where the ropes and rag around my parents untie themselves all in unison.

I can hear the coughs of my mother and father as my gaze never leaves the front door, my hand still raised in the air as wood continues to fly towards our door.

In this case I don't know whether the banging noises are from the wood or intruders, one thing for sure though, I'm going to make dam sure that there is now way in the house.

I can feel the anger surge through my body as the planks of wood hit the door harder every time, and second that goes by.

My sight is pulled away from the door as my hand falls from the shock, causing all the flying wood to fall at my command as well.

"Kyra! COME ON , LETS GO!" I hear a strong and commanding voice pulling me out of my daze.

My father shoves me into the kitchen where my mum has her hands over her mouth as she runs ands opens the oven, putting on the gas.

"W-what the hell are you doing. This isn't a time for cooking mum!" My voice comes out shaky as I go to push my mum away from the stove although am pulled back by my fathers strong embrace.

I stand frozen as my mum still works with her hands scurrying in between the oven as she lifts a part from the bottom and brings out a medium sized folder.

As my dad pulls away he looks at me, his gaze strong an holding sadness. I can hear my mothers crying once more.

"You need to take this, Kyra. Take it and follow what it says. It will take you somewhere safe. They'll help you Kyra" my mother says through gasps of breathes and sniffles.

"Alright, then let's go, hurry !" I pull my parents although they don't follow In my direction.

Banging starts erupting from the front door, this time I know it's not from the woods that I was barricading the front door with. It's them.

"Kyra, go. They're stronger than you. Their powers are much stronger than your own" my mother states her head whipping to the door then back into my direction.

"What! They're like me? H-how..why" I couldn't help but ask stupid questions that I knew my parents wouldn't give an answer to.

"Take the folder, drive to the airport" my dad commands.

"Noo!" With that i can hear the floorboards begin to creak as I get worried looks from my parents, the banging becoming louder, the door most probably near breaking.

As I open my mouth to speak though I hear a good dozen or more plank of wood flying and the door being barged open.

"Gooooo!" With that final demand from my father my feet begin sprinting to the car , the folder still secured tightly in my grip, the last image being my mother mouthing a "I love you" and my father standing on front of the oven.

My heart was pounding with fear, as my entire body was shaking and I couldn't find myself to breathe properly.

As I opened the car door I threw the folder in the passenger seat as I started the car and put it into reverse.

As the car hit the drive way the next scene i saw made my whole body freeze and a scream escape my mouth.

The house that laid before my very eyes Disintegrated into a bunch of nothing. The house that my parents were still in , is now in flames as the only thing i can see is the orange heat and flames over taking the night sky. I can feel my body tense up as my breathing has practically stopped.

My feet leaving the car and running towards the house only to see there are no remains of my parents. Just flame and fumes entering my system.

A shocking scream escapes my lips as I fall onto the cold and hard cement floor, anger and pain rushing trough me. My fists clench in anger and I start pounding into the ground my house getting weaker and falling apart with every punch I throw. With my final punch though, the house comes tumbling down. Now gone.

Sirens begin to fill my hearing and I sprint to my feet to the car. Reversing out of the driveway I speed away from the scene, and just like my house and my parents, I'm make it seem like I too am as well ... Gone and disappeared from the world.

Kyra:sovereigntyWhere stories live. Discover now