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Kyra's P.O.V

I come back into consciousness and realise that both Raven and Koko have left the room. I blink a couple of times regaining my focus as Michael sits slumped on the table as he throws snack puffs into his mouth.

I don't know what it is but this guy just annoys the hell out of me.

"What the hell was that and where the hell did the others go" I demand getting up from the chair and getting a better read on the room.

"They needed to talk outside. Man you must have a seriously messed up life" he states throwing another snack puff into his mouth.

My head snaps into his direction, my eyes squinting with annoyance and jaw locked in anger

"What." I let out through clenched teeth.

He straightens himself up as he shakes his head his brown natural curls following his movement.

"I'm just saying" he shrugs without a care in the world.

My body starts trembling with anger my fists clenching tighter as I try and restrain myself. Who does he think he is? My anger level rises as he just throws another snack puff into his mouth.

"First of all don't talk about my past like it's some sort of game. Second of all, don't talk about my past altogether when I'm around.... or I will shove those snack puffs right down that pale little throat of yours. Understood..." I announce walking closer to him in anger.

"If you haven't noticed, I don't have to listen to what you say. You're just another toy to get us closer to Tighami" his eyes lock with mine, emotionless as he continues eating those stupid snack puffs.

My legs start moving faster towards his direction as my hands find a place around his neck, slamming his head back on the table with a loud 'thud',

the remains of the snack puffs flying out from his mouth due to both surprise and the fact he partly choked on the rest.

It's like this guy knows how to make me snap whenever he opens his stupid fat mouth.

"There is no us when it comes to you. What are you anyway? You're nothing. You're just their little messenger following whatever orders they tell you. You aren't even special. You.Can't.Do.Anything" I hiss as my hand pushes further into his neck.

My breathing is heavy as I stare him down, taping his neck firmly onto the table as my body hovers over his, our eyes looked with fury. His hands mimic my action as his left hand snakes around my neck and he quickly throws my body next to him onto the table, my hand instantly departing from his neck as our placement has been swapped around. Now hovering over me is Michaels tall figure as his curls fall over his brown eyes, still continuing our death staring competition. My hand cups over his scratching it for him to let go, although my attempts are pointless. His grip is firm and strong, although there is no force in which he is actually choking me, just holding me firmly into place as I try to slither my way out of the situation, failing miserably.

"Geez, you have such a temperature" he says leaning all but next to me as if relaxing and not even trying to hold me down. I can see his muscles clearly now and the way his face is structured.

It's define, well at that too.

His baby face giving you a mixed reading of himself. As if he's his very own mirage. His face is so emotionless... So lost that I almost feel a tinge of guilt for what I said.

But who is he to talk about my past of all things. Especially now during the grieving time of my parents. My hands clasp tighter around his trying to pull it off although he only side glances my way. Watching me struggle, only pissing me off more.

Kyra:sovereigntyWhere stories live. Discover now