Aiyokos mind stage - (linked)

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Aiyokos mind stage


I stare straight into her eyes, slowly getting inside of her head, her mind.

I can feel her slipping away as her body slowly stops fighting to block me out of her mind.

For a newbie she is strong, determined. I can see it and feel it already as I have to try harder than usual to break down the wall to her mind set.

Her eyes slowly turn into one of a lifeless zombie staring into space... In a daze as I see everything in her head.

The house looks untouched almost normal, my gaze following to the light that is on upstairs. I can feel panic rising through my body as a hand goes to open the door, the coldness from it hitting me instantly. Banging and more banging until the hand reaches out once more and the door goes flying back.

Their faces so helpless and lifeless.

My breathing hitches as Kyra looks straight into her fathers eyes her panic surging once more...then the connection is made.

"Ky...Ky, wake up we have to go quickly!" I see Marcel hovering over the top of me.

Why am I seeing this right now?

I see small hands block my vision and realise they are rubbing their eyes.

"But daddy it's so late at ni-" the voice is so young and innocent as their words mumble through their tiredness.

"I know Ky. But we have to be quick okay. Come on" Marcel is in a panic mode constantly looking between his spaces. I hear a gasp coming from someone else.

"Marcel, their coming!" Angelina is dressed in all black, her guns and pocket swords hanging off from her holster as she quickly closes the door behind her.

To see someone look so helpless, then watch them transform into their younger more advanced self..well you'd never know how to feel about.

It's unexplainable.. You'd never think it was them.

I feel my body being hoisted up as pain rises in my gut, my gaze focused on the floors moving rapidly below me into a fuzzy motion.

I see Angelina run out from behind as she kicks the men back, flying into the building. My vision is blurry as everything is bouncing up and down still the only thing visible, her chocolate brown hair. She looks back at us and this time Marcel turns around, now the both of them looking back at the once so normal house.

"Destroy everything" The command rings through my ears and in a swift movement Angelina reaches into her jacket pockets throwing out an object from each hand. In another second her hands extend their own guns out as she runs her back never leaving where our stare is as she aims, still on the move.. Waiting for the precise moment to shoot.



The house blows up into a million pieces as the only thing now is a little girls scream that can be heard.


"WHERE IS IT!" It's Tighami hovering over me now.

"It's not here....we destroyed it 12 years ago" it's Marcel talking..


"We don't know what you're talking about .." Angelina announces calmly. She earns a slap as her body twists and her foot kicks pass Crows face in one swift movement .

She looks so innocent and , yet she's so strong and fierce.

"She doesn't know!" Marcel demands.

"She died when the house exploded. What more do you want.."

"You're lying. I know she's alive, I can feel it.."

Light is seen shining through the windows and Angelina and I think to be Marcel, shoot up and start throwing hits in. Crow automatically retaliates blocking the hits Angelina throws as he pulls out a gun and aims it directly at her. My vision is now only focused at her as I feel a stabbing pain jolt through my body causing me to gasp. I see blood and feel my body stumbling a little.

I can feel the thick rope against the hands of this person and I see Angelina panic, hosting herself as she struggles.

A bang on the door, and then another causes her into a fit of tears until the door flies open and behind it stands Kyra.


I take a deep breathe trying to control myself once more as I see Kyra go back to her normal state.

"What happened?" Raven is next to

me, scanning for an answer.

I continue to observe Kyra for what I just saw.

"She doesn't know?" was the only words that escapes my lips.

I get confused looks from the boys as they wait for me to give them a proper answer , although I myself am trying to find one.

"I need to talk to you privately" I say to Raven. He nods instantly and we go outside.

"I think I'm crazy but some how, some way just now, I not only saw through Kyra's mind stage... But her fathers as well" I say my hand on my chin forcing myself to believe it. "Is that even possible..I mean it must, but how ?"

"It does seem crazy yes. Possible, of course. Maybe she is still connected with them. We could get answers from them through her" he announces as he paces back and forth his hand now on his chin.

"Without her knowing ?"

"For now. it will just trigger her if she does know. And if she knows .... then we will all be easier to find for Tighami"

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