First class

13 2 0

Putting the car in drive my ears are once again greeted to the screeching sound of the tyres, the car wobbling out of balance from the sudden speed.

My mind races with thoughts and accusations although I can't get myself to stick just to one.

Like who and how those other people are connected with me?

Why are they so important!


How long my parents knew this day would occur.

Plus, why didn't they tell me anything about it. How I had to just stumble upon it!

The head lights shine brightly as my eyes have to adjust to the high beams, the car still speeding on a dead road. Rolling down the windows the cold air slaps my body, waking me up.

Easing away all the tension, as I can finally feel myself relaxing.

The fresh air hitting my face like snow as my hair whips my face. These are the only things keeping me awake, although a little painful it's like my mind goes into a trance. Forgetting about everything else in my life and only focusing on the cold that greets me.


The silence is soon broken with loud engines from the sky. Planes hovering over the ant like car in the deserted parking.

Opening the door I search the car one last time. I find a medium carry on bag in the boot and throw the file and wallet in before walking into the airport.

It's isolated as only a few people are scattered in the huge place.


"Please let there be a flight" I pray.

Walking towards the ticket area I put on my best smile I can manage to the blonde haired , blue eyed middle women in front of me.


"Hi, how can I help you" she says without looking away from the computer in front of her.

My smile falls immediately as I clear my throat.

"Well, I have a Tokyo.." I manage to let out trying to get her full attention.

"Uh huh.."

"I need you to look at my ticket.." I say bluntly.

"One moment dear.."

Annoyance surges through me as I tap my finger in an irritable manner, although still nothing.

"Wow, must be important work,huh?" I comment politely.

"You could put it in that way"

Final tap of my fingers and I can see her tapping repeatedly on the mouse as her face becomes annoyed and irritated.

Leaning my arm on the counter and resting my hands on my knuckles, I put on the same smile I used before.

"Is there something the matter?" I ask

"The stupid computer froze. Sorry what can I do for you again?" She says between her annoyed clicks.

Sliding the ticket towards her she scans it then looks back up at me.


"Is..there I problem" I ask truly concerned.

"N-no, not at all miss Sovere. It's just your ticket. It's for the private plane, Miss Sovere"

I raise an eyebrow scanning her face to see if she's lying.

"Is there a problem Miss Sove-"

"'s just Kyra and no, there isn't a problem , thankyou. So which way is it..please.."

She slides the ticket back to me as she puts the phone near her ears.

"Michael B to the main stand please, Michael B" she announces. "Michael will escort you Miss..uh Kyra" she smiles and goes back to tapping the computer mouse annoyed.

"Uhm okay, thanks" with another tap on the counter her clicks from the mouse instantly stop as the computer comes back to life.

Standing a few feet away awkwardly a man in the airport uniform comes up to me all professional.

"Did I do something wrong..?" I question with a raised eyebrow looking around.

"Haha no miss, I'm Michael. I'm here to escort you to Tokyo" he lets out a chuckle as I let out a breathe of air.

"Oh, haha sorry. I just thought-"

"It's fine. The plane is ready if that's okay?"

"Thanks. Lead the way Michael" I say with a small smile.

We soon arrive on the plane as the flight attendants go through the hazard drills as I sit awkwardly o the plane , dilute to the fact I am the only one in it.

It's nice and comfortable, but not one that's to exterior for my taste. It's just the right amount of expense, that is still comfortable.

The seats are a comfortable cotton fabric and is long enough to be a bed. In front lays a table with a laptop in the middle and on the roof is a t.v with movies that have already been saved onto it.

"Okay we are departing in a few minutes , In these few minutes I would like you to remain seated and have your seatbelt on until the sign says otherwise. But for now enjoy your flight and we shall be there within 10 hours. Thank you"

The plane is soon in the air and I am once again scanning through the folder of these two people.




It's the only thing all three of us have in common. What even is Sovereignty?

Opening the laptop and hitting in google I type in *Sovereignty*

Sovereignty - supreme power or authority

Oh, I feel stupid for not knowing this word all my life. Geez.

Now, what's with the weird categories?

Sovereignty O- *no matches*

Sovereinty-M- *no matches*

What the actual F- WHYYY!

"Hmm well since we're already here, might as well do some research then"

*Raven Rei*

17 year old Raven Rei went missing after a terrible car accident with little sister Koko Rei. Both bodies were not found although their parents still remained in the horrific condition in which the car landed. Both parents were classified as dead on October 12th , 6.45 am.

They were classified as missing, not dead ? Why not just classify them as dead if they weren't found?

I feel as if déjvu has just slapped me in the face as I look at my situation.

A burnt house. The remains of my parents , and a missing 18 year old girl, similar to the position they were once in.

Tears start to fill my eyes as I think back to my parents and how they protected me. Gave me the life I always wanted and now are gone. I think of Selene and the state she is going to be in when the announcement of the burnt house and people in it spread through the town. Missing Kyra Sovere.

All this pain , I put not only myself , but everyone around me.

All because this sovereignty bull crap!

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