Dead and gone.

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After what seemed like an eternal sleep I am woken up from a very angry and annoyed groan bringing a smile to occur across my face as I lay still with my eyes still shut.

"I need some more pain killers!" Michael announces as I hear feet shuffling along the floor.

Opening my eyes and facing my head towards the noise I see the blonde flight attendant with her hand stretched out toward Michael with a small tablet, and the other holding a glass filled with water as she looks annoyed tapping loudly on the glass.

"You know I'm not your maid" she says starring daggers at Michael.

It surprised me how mature her voice was compared to her young frame. Such a unique combination, yet it worked all so well. Michael just sits there as he takes the pill in one hand and throws it down as he swallows hard.

"You know, for a mother you sure are useless" Michael announces in such a mono tone voice, he sounds like a whole complete different person as his body just sits limp on the chair. The girls eyes widen in shock, her mouth open for a slight second. She then quickly straightens her body up as she slams the glass down on the table in front of Michael then walks off.

It's like his sentence whipped me back into reality. I wasn't on this plane for a holiday but because of what happened with my parents, my house. Like that one word 'mother' woke me up from the fantasy I thought I was in instead of the nightmare I'm living in this very second. It just occurred to me...that I'm an orphan now, and there he sits without a care in the world , telling someone else whether they are a good parent or not. Like there aren't kids out there in the world who aren't even lucky enough to have both parents in there life.

It's like all my anger that I never knew was inside me just came bursting out in a second. I could feel my eyes sting with tears as I was trying so hard to fight back as my body shot up like an erupting volcano , my body moving so fast towards Michael that it was like my feet were hardly on the ground.

As soon as I was within Arms length my arm collided with his neck pinning him down as his head started burying into the back of the couch.

My eyes were glaring straight into the surprised look of Michael as his breathing began to quicken.

"Watch what comes out of your god damn mouth and what you say to people. You have no right to judge someone's parenting you heartless prick. If you haven't noticed , not everyone is privileged to have parents with them all the time , so what makes you so special to judge others peoples parenting huh?" With each sentence my arm sunk more and more into his neck as the anger was still surging through my body like a never ending river waiting for the waterfall to occur.

With a final glare , I pull back as I walk angrily away from him. I can hear him teying to get the air back into his lungs as soon as I pull away.

I walk to the staff area in an angry daze.

"How long till we land" the question comes out nothing more but a demand as the flight attendants are shocked from the sudden outburst.

"Three .. Three hours" one of the younger ones say.

I look out the window and notice it's early morning. About 6.30 from the pink clouds out the window. I slept for a good 5 hours. I didn't even know I needed it as much as I did till now. My body felt normal and awake. Like I was no longer constantly going to pass out every time I did something.

I spend a good hour in the shower to kill time. The warm water felt like heaven on my body. Washing away everything and calming myself down. I just sit as I refuse to let my mind wonder knowing it will only bring haunting thoughts. I clean myself up making myself looking like a girl once again. Looking at my reflection through the fogged up mirror It's like something inside me changed...or died. Like I was telling myself to be someone else. Someone stronger. More independent. Trust myself, and only myself.

As if the oh so happy girl was washed away and now stands a new person before me. Doing all she could to survive in the world. The old Kyra dead and gone, and the new one just being born.

Starting a new beginning with my life. A new story.


We arrive in Tokyo quicker than I expected landing in the already working town, early morning. Without a word I grab my bag with everything i need and head down the plane steps , not even waiting for Michael to escort me off or give me the next move.

In all honesty I couldn't wait to leave him and this may be the only way.

My legs move hurriedly and I soon find myself in front of endless buildings with people swirling through each other to get to work.

It's only 9.30 and the streets are already alive and awake as I keep my paste fast and constant.

I walk straight into the shops in need of new clothes scanning every area of clothing I could see. I decided on black skinnies, a black crop top , then paired it up with black boot heels and a red bandanna. I applied some red lipstick and packed on the mascara then I was off once again doing weekly clothes shopping for me, myself and I. The time is now 11.30 and most of the teenagers are up and running. The fashion is crazy here as you see teens walking around with every colour of the rainbow either in their hair or on their clothes as they parade carelessly in their groups. As I continue walking down the street I come up to a coffee shop where I go to rest and have some coffee. It's just what I needed as the warm liquid warms me up from the inside.

As I look up I see a girl about my age sit in front of me as she just smiles at me. Her hair is pitch black and makes a black waterfall to her hips where her hair stops. She's wearing a long black skirt that covers her legs and a similar crop top to my own. Her face is so young as if I've seen it before.

I look at her with a raised eyebrow as I go to open my mouth to say something, although she's already started speaking her eyes big as mine stay fixed as in a trance.

"You're here because of your parents. You're meeting up with someone in Tokyo aren't you. You know me from somewhere, but you can't put your hand on it" my body is frozen as I sit just listening to what she is saying.

"You will make your way towards building 58A. There your questions will be answered. You will not tell anyone, or speak to anyone. You will be careful of who sees you and how you get there. You will finish your coffee then you will leave normally" without another word she gets up and leaves as my body moves on its own accord finishing the rest of my coffee then getting up with all of my stuff and walking through places I've never seen before as if I'm a puppet being controlled by the girls words. Just like she said though, I some how come across building 58A near an abandoned old shop as if I've been here 100 times or more. I open the door as if I know what waits on the other side and close it behind me. There sits the girl from the shop another guy and ....... Michael playing with his keys.

I instantly regain my body owning full power over it once again as I stare at the image before me.

Koko. Raven. Michael.

Kyra:sovereigntyWhere stories live. Discover now