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Okay so hope it's okay so far guys. Got 3 votes so I'm takin that as a good thing with the chapters. Happy the reads are gradually getting there :)

Thanks so much everyone ! Xx,



As the car comes to life the tyres screech into action and speed down the street just before the lights of the police cars can ride past. The street flashes into a blur before my eyes , the shops and buildings quickly changing into forms of never ending darkness and trees.

My breathing is the only thing that I can hear as I can feel my wreckless body slowly breaking down, the speed of the car never coming to a hault.

I can see the image of me crashing replaying over and over in my head, and in my head I accept the idea. Sort of waiting for my mistake to purposely happen and for the car to crash into a tree or off the road tumbling and smashing into nothing.

It never comes though as I slam my foot on the breaks and my body lunges forward from the dramatic stop in the middle of nowhere. A secluded area where I'm sure no one will come across me.

A let out a scream as i hit the steering wheel multiple times my vision becoming blurry from the tears that threaten to escape my eyes.

I sit in my sorrows for a good ten minutes as my head leans on the steering wheel my tears running down like its own river on my face as i escape large breathes of air here and there, my eyes becoming tired and my gaze slowly turning black.

"I can't believe my baby's graduated already. I'm so proud of you Kya" I return the hug my mother is giving me as I laugh at how emotional she is being. Always the emotional one she is.

"Thanks mama. Geez what are you going to do when I go to uni?" I say jokingly.

More tears threaten her eyes as she most definitely totally forgot about that fact.

"You're going to kill me you know that" she says hitting my arm playfully.

We laugh together as I her a 'click' from in front of us.

"Beautiful" my dad says looking between my mother and I. He smiles a sincere one as he looks at me, his only daughter graduating high school.

"Hey Sel , take a photo for us please" I say pulling my father towards my mother and I.

As we stand together my mother and father hug me in a tight and loving sandwich as Selene takes a couple of shots of the three of us laughing at my dad trying to be funny.

I can feel myself shaking from my laughter as my parents straighten my uniform and fix my hair from when they messed it up three seconds ago. My parents never lacked in the love region as I would tell them everything, and they me.

My father than pulls me to the side as he holds flowers in his hand.

"I'm proud of you Kyra. You're mother and I are so happy to have you as our daughter and you know we love you very much" my eyes furrow in confusion as I look down to the flowers my father was suppose to be holding, instead they've been replace with a all too familiar folder. "TAKE IT KYRA, TAKE IT AND GO, NOW!" I can feel my body being aggressively pushed backwards as I stumble from the contact.

"S-stop dad, w-what are you doing" my body hits something hard and when I look back it's the car. My head whips forward and the scene of the school and my parents are gone and I am now in front of my burning house.

"AAAAAAAAHH, STOOOP IT" my head whips up from the steering wheel as I punch it once more. "DAMMIT!" I try stop my shaking body and catch my breath. My head leans into the palms of my hands as I slowly take a few deep breathes.

As my palms leave my face my head slightly turns to the passenger seat where the last thing my parents gave me lay, just taunting me.

Grabbing it and opening it the first thing that falls out is my passport.

Kyra Sovere

D.O.B 20/5/1995

Australian citizen

#452 57804 1109

What the hell do I need this for?

I search the folder and I see a one way ticket to... Tokyo Japan.

What is happening ?

I start flipping over a couple of papers where I see documents of people.

One is a boy

His picture shows a young but structured face. His dark brown eyes holds nothing behind them as his fringe just covers his left eye.

Raven Rei

Age: 19

Tokyo, Japan

Sovereignty O

A girl

A younger and chubby face. Her eyes are big but also hold nothing behind those dark chocolate orbs.

Koko Rei


Tokyo, Japan

Sovereignty M

Then finally....


Kyra Sovere

Age: 18

Sydney, Australia

Sovereignty O

What the hell. Mum an dad what the hell did you guys plan?

Whatever it is, looks like I'm on the first plane to Tokyo I guess.

Opening the glove box I see a thick wallet and open it. It has a good $3,500 dollars in it as well as my parents cards. Opening the pocket that holds the big notes I am revealed with a piece I paper.

When the day comes , Your place is already set and there is enough money in your bank account when you get to Tokyo.

We love you so much ,

Mum and dad.

Starting the engine once again I make my way towards the airport, chucking everything bak into its original place.

Time to fun out what the hell is happening.

"I love you mum and dad".

Kyra:sovereigntyWhere stories live. Discover now