Flying with Michael-.-

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Sorry about such short chapters. I think I write a lot until it's updated that I realise it's really short. Im trying my best to write as much as possible though, just sometimes my phone plays up and is really annoying.

Thankyou so much for the reads so far. Hope your liking it.

Please comment your thoughts and opinions , it'll help me so much more. Also revealing Raven and Koko's characters soon, excitement. Let me know if you have any ideas on these two :)



After Michael finished his little 'meeting' with the very young and beautiful flight attendant I felt the chair dip as a smirking Michael sits next to me.

"You guys seem well acquainted" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"Really. Why would you say that?" He says all to cheerfully.

"Am I paying you, or have you already been paid?"

"The payment has been sorted miss Sovere"

"Just answer the damn question would you , please"

"Well someone's a little bitchy today now aren't we"

"Well if your house got raided, found your parents tied up, then watch your house burn with your parents...still in it, you'd be a bitch aswell. Now wouldn't you!" I glare at the broad man sitting next to me as I feel tears evident. "Now, answer the damn question, or I will make you.."

The smirk falls from his face as he studies my frame and face. Pity begins taking over his form as he gets up and goes towards the bar area. He pours two shots then makes his way back towards me and carefully places the shot in front of me.

"Looks like you need it more than I do. I'm sorry about your parents. Like I said before, the pay is taken care of by the Rei family, so please don't worry" with that he holds his shot in the air as he nods in my direction.

I take the drink and drink it down quickly , my face scrunching up from the burning sensation in my throat.

"How do you know the Rei family?" I ask looking up towards the figure walking back and forth on the plane.

"I've worked with the family for a little while now. I am close friends with Raven, actually. He sent me personally to get you miss Sovere"

"Call me Kyra, and He sent you. I thought him and his sister went missing?"

"Only few know the real story ..Kyra. I am one of them and before you ask any questions , I can't tell you anything until you meet them in person. Orders" he says taking his place in the seat on the other side of the plane.

I mumble a few words before flipping back through the file.

It doesn't hold much information about the two an I can fill my frustration building up from the 'no matches' image that keeps popping up in my face from the computer.

"I swear if you don't just pop up , I'm -"

"I'd be careful if I was you Kyra. Wouldn't want to get to angry. I for one want to survive this plane ride without you making it crash in the middle of nowhere"

My head whips towards Michael instantly as my eyebrows furrow with confusion.

"What do you mean?"

"You may not know but your mood effects your powers. I can already feel

e plane flying out of balance cause of your girly mood swings"

Kyra:sovereigntyWhere stories live. Discover now