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I sat up in my bed- not my bed- the orphanages bed, in a cold sweat in reamberance of that dream.

I shake my head and get dressed, a pair of baggy jeans and a red t-shirt.

I walk downstairs, getting stares, they think they are better but we all have problems.

I sit in the living area when, "girls we have a visitor"

I'm not dressed for a visitor.

"Hey" the visitor says and looks over us quickly.

And left as quickly as she came with a boy.

I went back into my-the orphanages- room and looked in the mirror, ive gotten skinnier, no skinny enough.

I cry myself to sleep.

Sorry it's short guys, all the odd chapters will be fillers and the even chapters will be important but read it all so you understand!

Kisses, belle♡

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