A Night Out.

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Sodapop's POV

I haven't moved in a few days since I found out Sandy had cheated on me. We broke up...well, I broke it off. I couldn't handle loving someone who'd go and do that to me. My heart aches and the whole gang knows it. So here I am, home on the couch on a Friday evening thinking about things I could go and do for fun. I haven't been out in months to have any fun. Not real fun. I just go to work, hang out with Steve, hang out with Sandy, eat dinner, sleep, do it again. I never go out and drive around town no more, or bet my friends how many girls numbers I can get in an hour, or hang out at the drive in and throw popcorn at people for kicks. I just bum around the house doing nothin. I wanna get out. But Darry has work in the morning, Pony has homework, Steve is with his lady, and Two-bit is well on his way to wasted. I don't really know where Johnny is. Probably at the lot. But he's not much fun on his own anyway. I need crazy, hyper fun. I need excitement. I haven't felt a good rush in a long time. I tuned down for Sandy, but now I'm ready to let loose. As that thought jumps around my mind, the front door opens and in walks Dallas Winston. Dallas is a crazy but awesome hood from New York. Hes been through the wringer, but man is he ever tough. Tough and cool. He strides in and sits down next to me, puffing out some smoke.

"How ya holding up, Sodapop?"

"M'okay now Dal. I mean, it still hurts but I know it wasn't my fault."

"Good. That's good. Don't go blaming yourself because some who*e couldn't see how amazing you are. Her loss. Next."

Me and Dal sit in silence for a few minutes after that. I don't know what to say and he doesn't seem to have anything else to put out there. Mickey plays on TV and I think of Two-bit upstairs bugging Pony as he drinks. Hes missing out on a good one.

"You know what you need Soda?"

Dally asks and waits until he has my full undivided attention. He grins slyly and tosses his butt into an ash tray that's set on the floor where Two-bit left it laying around.

"What do I need Dal?"

"You need some action. You gotta get out and have some fun. C'mon, what do ya say? Me and you go and have some fun?"

"Dally- you know I can't get involved with the cops or nothing..."

I knew how reckless Dally could be and I knew his type of fun outran mine any day. Darry would be livid if I got hauled in by the cops. He already doesn't fancy Pony hanging out with Dallas for that very reason. I take it into consideration and watch as he twitches.

"Cops? Who said anything about cops? Let's grab dinner and head over to bucks."

He started to whisper so Darry wouldn't hear from the kitchen. He knew buck's place was off limits for us. Darry hated it, thought it was trouble.

"We can play pool or darts. It'll be fun."

He spoke reassuringly and I was reeled in. I got up and went straight to Darry who was filling in some type of paperwork.

"I'm going out tonight, gonna head to the drive in with Dallas and grab a bite to eat afterwards."

"Be back by midnight Soda."

Darry said without batting an eye. I never went out with Dallas, but tonight I was. I was going out with that wild and rough greaser. We were gonna have fun too. I gave Dal a thumbs up and made my way towards the front door with him. Tonight was the night I would get over Sandy.

"Oh, and Soda. Don't you dare go anywhere near Buck Merrils place. If I hear ya do, I'll skin ya both alive."

"Alright, see ya, Dar! I'll take good care of him!"

"See to it you do, Dally."

Darry spoke sternly as we both left. I kicked stones as we made our ways down my street and towards a diner. Dallas was smoking dart after dart and I couldn't help but think of how bad those things make you age.

"So, you're gonna have to reteach me how to play pool. It's been a while for me. And I don't have much money on me so don't go betting up too high."

"Theres a table in the basement that's off limits. We can go down there and I'll teach ya the score before we play any real games. Savvy?"

I twist my lips in a grin and nod my head as we approach the doors of a well known diner best known for its milkshakes. Dal throws the door open for me and we slide into a booth seat away from the major rush.

"What do you wanna eat Soda? I'm buying."

Dallas begins to scan the menu while I jump right into my order. Food is always best when I don't have to pay for it.

"A strawberry milkshake, fries, and tea cake!"

Dal looks up at me, raises an eyebrow, and then cracks a smirk.

"You sure are a weird one Soda. Definitely Ponyboy's brother, that's for sure."

"What's so weird about me?"

"Who eats tea cake? It has no flavour..."

"But the icing has flavour and the cake is super soft, Dal you don't know what you're mis-"

I went on to rant and defend my tea cake for the next five minutes with Dallas laughing up a storm at me until a waiter came. I was red faced and worked over by the time Dal finally got to our order.

"-and last but not least, grab us each some tea cake."

I couldn't help but smile, a giant grin. Dallas looked at me, amused, and leaned back with crossed arms.

"I don't recall it being as good as you make it sound, hot shot. I guess we'll find out."

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