Family Reunion.

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Hey guys! Just a heads up, if you're enjoying this book, check out samaxwell books 'Hide or Fight' and 'Keeping It Together'. I promise you wont regret it! Thanks :)

Sodapop's POV

Pony comes running at me full speed and throws himself into my arms. Hes smiling up a storm and shaking a little too. I feel so bad for worrying him. I know he gets these awful nightmares and I really hope he didn't get any while I was gone...Darry doesn't have a clue how to handle pony when he's like that. Darry stands up and walks towards us. He looks down at me with a tentative stare, like he's trying to see if I'm hurt or something. He bites his lip and hugs me from the side, patting our youngest brothers back as he does so. Dallas stands behind me, smoking, not saying a word to anyone. I'm sure he thinks they're gonna blame him for me getting locked up. I think they will too, but I'll try my best to prove them wrong. For the time being, that guy has given me the closest thing to affection more than anyone else. And I won't see it go unnoticed. When my brothers pull back, Darry sighs and Pony jogs off to get back to the stove before he burns something. Darry gives me a stern look now, shaking his head.

"Sodapop... You really did it this time kiddo. Let me tell ya...not only did you worry me almost to death- but, you got hauled in Soda. You went to jail, are you crazy?"

"Darry I-"

"No. Not this time. I don't want any excuses. You're grounded to the house unless you're at work, if you even still have a job after getting hauled in like that."

"It wasn't his fault Dar."

"You stay out of this, Dallas if it weren't for you none of this would have ever happened. You both could have gotten really hurt!"

I don't hear much of what my brother is saying anymore because I'm blocking him out. I don't care what he has to say. I just want it to end. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone worry and I would have never gone If I knew I would end up in jail that night. But I can't change it now and there's no use yelling about it. Dallas steps forward and he puts a hand on my shoulder.

"I wouldn't let anything bad happen to him."

"Sure. That's why he ended up in jail with you, right?"

"Right. I'm his bodyguard."

I can't help but smile and I know Darry is through with my crap but he can't shake the entertainment in my eyes and he has to turn away so we don't see him grin. He goes back to his chair and we both walk through the house and passed the kitchen, up the stairs. My bedroom is just as messy as I left it, although I can see my clothes neatly folded by Darry and my shoes misplaced in the closet by Ponyboy who obviously didn't know where to put them. The bed isn't made and there are countless crunched up balls of paper from Pony discrediting himself and his drawings. I love my kid brothers drawings. Hes so good it's a wonder. Dally closes the door behind us and I turn around to face him. He has his arms crossed.

Dallas' POV

I stare at Sodapop as we enter his bedroom. It's a mess, not much better than my room at Buck's. But at least it's warm. It's so much warmer than that good for nothing cell we were in. I unfold my arms and take off my jacket and toss it aside so I can stretch my arms. That actually went much better than I anticipated. I thought for sure Darryl would blow up on me. And Soda? A grounding to the house? What a joke. This kids on a cakewalk. Nothing too harsh ever comes to Soda from Dar. He has the biggest soft spot for him. Most of us do. Hes just so cute and charming and genuine. I don't know how he does it or even what he does. But he has this thing about him, this way, this look and this touch and he's just so perfect. It's hard to explain.

"Are you happy to be home?"

"More than you could imagine."

"It's warm."

"I feels really nice. you plan on leaving or?"

"I think I might stay a while. Bucks is a bit of a walk. And you can't leave so..."

We stand and stare at eachother and Soda blushes and looks nervous and he pulls at his sleeves and I watch him shift uncomfortably and look adorable. I reach forward and brush some hair from his face, looking him in the eyes as I speak.

"Soda cool it."

"I will..I am..I'm trying..."

He takes a deep breath and rubs his pink cheeks and then turns around and walks towards the bed. He flops on top of it and hugs a pillow to his chest whining. I follow and sit beside him, then I lay. It feels so nice to lay in a soft bed. A warm, soft, bed with lots of sheets and fluffy pillows. I get under the covers and he joins me in no time. Soon were both wrapped up under the bed sheets and he's somehow gotten his face laid on top of my bicep. Hes practically already asleep and he looks so peaceful that I won't dare move and wake him. I couldn't do that. He looks to pure. Too perfect. He snores but it's soft and almost relaxing. He moves and shifts but it doesn't bother me. He drools on my sleeve and makes little whines in his sleep but neither phase me at all. I just watch him sleep. I watch him dream. I watch him and he's perfect.

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