The Rush.

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Dallas' POV

We finish up at the diner and Sodapop is rambling on about the tea cakes. He devoured his food a lot faster than I did. By the time I got to my piece of cake, his was long gone. I took a bite and it was good. I pushed it away and shook my head at it though, not letting on I liked it. So Soda got to eat mine too. As we walk, he talks and I listen. He likes to talk and he's much more of a conversationalist than I am. As we get closer to Buck's, I notice him getting nervous. Hes looking around making sure Darry isn't anywhere to be seen.

"Relax, Soda. It's gonna be fine. Nothing bad will happen and I'll get you in bed before midnight."

The kids ears get red just like Ponyboy's do and I chuckle. Those two really are alike when it comes to that stuff.

"Your bed. I'll get you home by midnight. Gosh, did Darry raise you to think so dirty?"

Soda cracks a grin and he starts to laugh, embarrassed in a cute kind of way. We approach the building and I open up the door to let Soda go in first. Hes hesitant and shifty, but he makes it in just fine. I come in close behind him and start to drag him downstairs where the party is off limits. It's empty down here and dark, kind of cold too. I have a good grip on the sleeve of Soda's flannel and I drag him deeper into the basement. We get to the back and I flick on a set of lights that shine over an unused pool table.

"Alright, Pepsi-kid, grab a pool stick and let's get started."


He questions me as he grabs himself a stick and tosses me one. I start setting up the table and he watches from behind me.

"It's a nick name."

"Yeah, I got that."

"Don't like it?"

"Not sure."

"I can call you dollface instead."

"I like Pepsi-kid."

Soda rolls his eyes and twists his lips at me. I make my way behind him and show him how to stand. I line up his stick and take a step back.

"Alright, now shoot."

That was how most of our night went. Me running upstairs for beer and soda playing pool, talking smack, and laughing up a storm. By 10 I was done with pool and Soda was too. I had an idea for more fun. I knew Soda wouldn't be into it though, so I had to lie.

"Hey, wanna check out this cool water hole I found?"

I had been told by the owners of the property it was off limits. I had been warned that they would call the cops if I showed up again. I'd been told it was private property. I'd brought people there before and even hid there for a few nights in the dead of the summer to avoid the cops. I knew I wasn't allowed there. But it's dark and chances are, they won't even know we're there.

Sodapop's POV

Dally just drove us in one of Buck's cars, all the way out into the country. He parked us at the edge of a forest and now he's getting out and expecting me to go with him. If Darry knew I was this far from home he'd kill me. I'm so dead if he ever finds out. I get out of the car and follow close behind in Dallas' steps. Every minute or so he looks behind himself to make sure I'm still there. It's hard to see, so I keep tripping on twigs and rocks. And I keep landing against Dallys back. He doesn't even flinch. Just asks if I'm alright and then keeps walking. It seems like forever, but we finally make it to a body of water. It's clearer than I have ever seen in my entire life. It's just a giant pond surrounded by sand dunes. The moonlight shines right through the water and I can see the bottom perfectly. It has got to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I space out until Dal nudges my shoulder and pulls his shirt off.

"Well, you gonna go in or not?"

I start tugging my flannel off and toss it to the ground. Then my t shirt. And finally my jeans and boxers. I want all of my clothes to be dry, so when I get out I can warm up again. Dally seems to have the same idea because he's butt naked too. We start walking into the water and it's freezing compared to the warmth of the car. I almost want to back out now but Dallas is already up to his hips in the icey water. So I make my way in further and try to focus my attention on the sky. The stars are beautiful. It's all so unreal.

"Ponyboy would absolutely go nuts about this place..."

I find myself murmuring quietly, but loud enough to catch the hoods attention. He smiles a little and nods. Pony was really into stars and sunsets and stuff. He loved nature. I could never quite understand but I think I get it now.

"So...what d'ya think?"

Dallas pulls me from my thoughts and I just grin at him in between shivers.

"It's pretty. Kinda cold. How'd you ever find a place like this? We're in the middle of no where..."

He laughs at me and walks closer, touching my shoulder. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable, so I step back and splash him instead. And that's how it started. A twenty minute match of splashing to the death. Glory was it ever fun. I couldn't stop laughing. And Dal, he was busting a gut just as loud. I've never heard him laugh this hard. Everything seemed perfect tonight. This is so much fun. I can't wait to get home and tell Pony about all of this. Dally sure is a good buddy.


In between our storms of laughter and splashing a police siren rang out. Dallas dragged me harshly out of the water and demanded we get dressed right away.

"We gotta get the hell outta here...shit..shit..."

I got dressed fast and my clothes were glued to me. I was just about to get my shirt on when a bright light was shone onto me.


Dally took off. He ran into the forest and left me. My heart is flying out of my chest and I am shaking like mad. This can't be happening. Oh God this can't be real. Darry will kill me. I can't go to jail. What's going on? Where did Dallas go? I'm alone. The cuffs snap on my wrists and they shove me into the back seat of their cop car.

Damn you Dallas.

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