Night One.

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Sodapop's POV

Dallas walks away and leaves me at the picnic table surrounded by that guys friends. They're big and ugly and most of them are covered in tattoos. I lean back and furrow my eyebrows the way Darry does when he's mad about something. Ponyboy says it makes me look tough and I wanna look tough so no one bugs me. It only half works. No one hurts me, but they definitely don't leave me alone. They talk and ramble and touch my hair and make weird comments about Dallas that don't make sense to me. I've always looked at Dallas as one of the, if not the toughest greaser in Tulsa. But these guys talk about him like he's a joke. I don't understand it. They ask me weird questions and I don't answer any of them. I don't talk to them at all. I don't want to. It feels like forever before I hear the guards holler that yard time is over. I wait until I see Dallas walking back. He looks okay but he's got a limp in his step and I wonder what that guy did to him. He gives me a hard stare and the guys scatter from around me and leave to follow 'Sarge' as Dallas called him. Dal stands uncomfortably and tells me to follow him inside and not to talk to anyone. It looks like his legs are weak, his knees are shaking pretty bad. I wonder what they talked about.

"Here, see we're in a cell together. Aren't you lucky."

He winks at me and fakes a laugh as he lays down on the bottom bunk in a tiny cell. I watch his face twist and he winces a little followed by a glare when he realizes I'm still watching.


"What did you guys talk about?"

"Thats not something you ask in here Soda."


"Mind your mouth."

"Fine. Then why do you have a limp? Are you okay?"

"I pulled something. I'm great. Now back off."

He glares harder at me and I roll my eyes at him as I hop up onto the top bunk. It's hard like the last one and cold and I hate it. I want to call Darry but I know to do that I need a calling number and that could take a few days. We could be out before I even get one. Between my thoughts and the fatigue of barely getting any sleep last night, I somehow pass out again. This place is loud as ever and I hate it but I can't do nothing to change that. So I deal with it.

Dallas' POV

Sodapop falls asleep and I hear him start to snore quietly above me. I wonder how long they'll keep us in here. We could get out tomorrow, or we could get out a week from now, or even two if they're really pissed at me. It all depends on who's reading our charges. Someone should come and fill us in soon. Hopefully before dinner. I know it would put Soda's mind to rest a little. At least then he has something to look forward to. A light at the end of a dark tunnel. As I lay awake on the bottom bunk thinking this all over, I can hear chaos erupting in another part of the jail. It sounds bad. Probably a petty fight turned into something serious by a bunch of morons trying to act tough. I've seen it all. It's not worth the solitary time but they do it anyways.


"Yeah Soda?"

"M' hungry. Whens lunch?"

"Soon. We can head down to the hall now if you want."

"Yeah. Let's go."

Before we have time to leave our cell, a guard stops in front of our cell and blocks the door for us to leave.

"I have your sentences. Sodapop- is that a real name? What one is that?"

I point up to the top bunk and lean back with an impatient look on my face so that he hurries the hell up. I just want to know how long we're stuck in here for. Soda jumps down right away and stands beside me eagerly waiting.

"Yeah that's my name. What's my sentence?"

"You have six days to serve. But each day counts as double so you technically only have three days counting today. By Friday you should be out. And Mr Winston, you have the same except you're being put back on probation for three months for breaching an earlier sentence. Everyone understands?"

"Yeah, yeah we get it. You can go now."

He rolls his eyes at me and tosses our court sheets at me before leaving. I shove them under my pillow and stand up. It hurts to stand and I stumble a little. Soda looks at me weird and is about to open his mouth when I cut in first.

"See, told you it wouldn't be that bad? We're gonna be outta here in two days after tonight. Not so bad."

"Yeah...I guess. Darry's gonna be mad though. And I could get thrown into a boys home. Dallas....what if..."

"Stop your worrying. Everything will work out. It'll all be fine."

We leave and eat lunch and a few hours later we catch dinner in an odd silence. The food absolutely sucked. Soda made some lousy jokes to lighten to the mood and I avoided just about everyone I could. I didn't want to draw attention to myself or Soda. I should be able to keep him away from the weirdos in here for a few more days. This place is not where he should be. After dinner, we brush our teeth as if they matter and I wait while Soda takes a fast shower in the B-dorm bathrooms. When he's done and we head back to the cell. Lights are being turned out slowly one by one down the hallway. You're not supposed to be up after a certain time. When our light shuts off, I kick the top bunk to get Soda's attention.

"Come down here if you're cold."

He barely waits to hear what I have to say. He just jumps down and crawls under my blanket. Hes warm and his hair is still wet from his shower. I can't say I've ever been this close to someone before. But it doesn't necessarily bother me. I like Sodapop. Maybe a little more than a guy should. But I can't say I mind liking him, even if he is a guy. Hes a damn good looking one.

"Dallas...I'm still cold."

"Mn...just close your eyes and try to fall asleep."

"I can't."

I open my eyes to meet his bright blue orbs blinking at me tiredly as he pouts a little. With a sigh, I do my best to pull him closer to me and he wraps his arms around my neck. It's a good thing that it's dark or we'd be in some deep trouble. They'd probably throw one of us into a different cell. He starts playing with my hair and I peer out at him to find his eyes still open. Hes studying my face and it makes me blush.

"What- Soda what the hell do you think you're doing?"

I hiss at him and he stops, looking startled in the darkness. He backs off and moves away a little. Almost instantly I feel bad for putting that sad puppy look into his eyes. Even if he kind of deserves it.


"Go to sleep Soda."

"I'll try...M'sorry."

"Stop's not like we're gay or anything."


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