Smut Chapter.

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You've been warned lol. Proceed at your own discretion.

Sodapop's POV

Dallas asked me if he could fuck me and my throat got tight and I got kind of scared I guess. Honestly I've only ever slept with Sandy once before she cheated on me. I lost my virginity to her. I don't know how to have sex really and to have it with a guy seems so much more intimidating. I don't know how. He seemed to cool off a little once I said I wasn't sure. He calmed down and his voice got careful and sincere and he promised to be gentle. It's going to hurt. I already know it. He unzips my jumper and I slide my arms out of it so he can pull the rest of it off of me. Once it's off I'm freezing. I'm shaking and I can't tell if it's because I'm scared or because I'm cold as hell. He grips the rim of my boxers and slides them down off of me, exposing my erection that sticks straight up and slightly dripping. He doesn't pay me any attention for a minute. He undresses himself and then slides down his underwear last. His dick hangs down thick and hard from in between his legs and it has veins covering it making this even more scary. I try not to stare but I can't help it until he gets on top of me and throws both of our blankets on top of us. His hands are warm and he rubs the inside of my thighs slowly as he tries to look into my eyes. I'm scared and I can't look at him.



"Calm down and look at me."

"I-i can't..."

"This is gonna be alright. It'll feel good."

Any bit of manly aggression I expected to come from Dallas is lost. Hes quiet and cautious and there is no level of roughness left to him at the moment. He grabs my chin and makes me face him.


Slowly he kisses me. I can feel our groins pressing against eachother and it turns me on but also freaks me out even more. His lips are rough but his tongue is soft and warm. It explores my mouth as one of his hands wraps around my dick and starts to pump it slowly. Hes careful and slow and it brings out all kinds of moans from my mouth. When our lips part he looks into my eyes with a firey hunger for more, but he speaks with a concern gentler than I've ever known him to have.

"Soda...hey..I'm gonna spread your legs now okay? I'll put it in slow..just take deep breaths and relax your muscles. This is going to be nice... I'll make you feel good."

I can't answer with more than a nod. He pulls my legs apart from eachother and he feels around before touching the hole. Suddenly his hands feel so much colder. He squeezes one of my ass cheeks with one hand and holds his cock with the other while he slowly positions himself. He looks up at me.


Dallas' POV

Sodapop nods at me and I try to be careful as I push the tip of my dick into him. Hes so tight that I know this is going to be painful for him but I know it'll feel better by the end. He just needs time to adjust. He winces and bites his bottom lip and I feel bad that it's hurting him. I rub his thighs and lean down to kiss him as the rest of my cock slides roughly into his ass. For an instant he jolts and a groan in pain rushes out of his mouth. He digs his nails into my shoulders and his eyes close tightly.

"Soda...breath. Everything will be alright. Just try and relax."

He pants and hides his face in my shoulder as my hips rock and I fuck him quietly. The only sounds to be heard are our uneven breathing and his occasional whimper. I find it hard to tell when he's pleasured apart from when he's in pain. I jerk him off while I fuck him and I want to keep kissing him but he won't take his face away from my neck where he seems to be hiding. So I leave hickeys on his neck and collarbone and I chew on his earlobe and eventually, after about an hour, I find his sweet spot. He melts and moans in my ear as I hit it, so I try it again and he moans louder. Hes already came in my hand and on his stomach twice now but I'm still stroking him because he's still hard as a rock. My cum is dripping from his ass while I continue to rock my hips into him gently. I've been screwing him slowly this whole time. I don't think he'd be able to handle it any faster than this. Hes too unexperienced and tight to be fucked hard or fast. I'm not even sure if he's ever had sex before at this point, with anyone. After I hit his sweet spot a few more times, he cums again and so do I. I manage to get to his lips and I give him a soft kiss. No tongue. No rough biting. Nothing weird or uncalled for. Just a simple passionate kiss. I pulled out of him when our lips parted and he looked up at me with tears prickling the corners of his eyes.


"Im..I'm okay... I feel really..emotional? I guess..I'm just a little...I don't know..."

He slowly speaks to me but more tears come and they fall down his cheeks and I try to wipe them away while cleaning him off with a cleanex. He sniffles quietly and this isn't weird because I know a lot of people cry after having sex for the first time. Not usually guys...but this wasn't exactly normal sex. So I let him cry and I dress him. I put his underwear on him and his jumper and then I get dressed and I lay down beside him. I hug him and I hug him tight and I kiss his head and I'm confused. I kiss him again and he sniffles and looks at me and his face lays on my bicep. I can't explain this feeling going through me right now but it's pure perfection.

"You okay..?"

"Im okay..just sensitive I guess....sorry."

"It's fine. I didn't mean to hurt you.."

"It did hurt..but that's not what's wrong. I just feel weird..."

"It's okay."

"I know...I'll quit crying in a bit..just stay with me."

"I ain't going no where."


"Promise, Soda. You got me."

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