The Sting.

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Dallas' POV

I ran into the forest and away from the fuzz as fast as I could, leaving Soda behind to be hauled in. For some reason I stopped to look back when I got to the edge of the forest. I watched them drag Soda by his bare arms while he shivered and shook. I caught a glimpse of his eyes and saw the tears immediately. I don't think Soda's ever been to jail.


I let out a loud sigh and started walking towards the cop car. The officers jumped me immediately when they caught a glimpse of my face, and cuffed me. Soon enough I was booted into the back seat beside a shaking Soda who didn't look so good. Hes was tripping.

"Hey, you alright?"

"Dallas, what the hell is going on? Was that someones property? Why didn't you tell me? I can't go to jail-"

"Soda! You don't have a choice. We're going to jail now, so stop blubbering and take a deep breath."

"Why'd you come back? You were gonna get away with this..."

"I remembered youd never been to the cooler before. Figured it would be gentlemanly of me to give you your first tour."

Soda's glaring at me through teary eyes and I want to wipe his face but my hands are cuffed behind my back. I know he's terrified. Terrified of jail. Terrified of how his brothers are gonna react. Terrified of it all. Hes been in trouble before, but mostly for speeding tickets and stuff. Nothing too serious that he needs to be hauled in. Hes tired, it's nearing midnight. He hasn't eaten since this afternoon. I feel bad for getting him in this mess. Eventually were driving and I watch Soda slide closer to me. Hes still shaking and I wish I could give him my jacket. His hair is wet and dripping down his face and back. As we get closer to the box I see him shudder. The only times Soda's ever been to jail is when he's visited me. And he never came alone. It's a long drooling process for us to be emitted into the jail and Sodapop is silently crying the whole time. Sometimes he glares at me. Sometimes he bites his lip and looks around helplessly. There's nothing I can do but make cocky remarks at the guards and hope no one throws him around too much. If I keep the attention on myself they'll leave him alone. Sodapop's too pure and stuff to be tainted by prison life. I don't want it to get to him.

"In you go. Lights are out, it's bedtime. You'll be given clothes in the morning and assigned a cell."

A guard locks us both in a temporary placement unit. It's a bit bigger than a normal cell, it's got a bunk bed and a toilet in the corner. It's pitch black and the only light I can see is coming through a tiny slit in the doors window. Finally Sodapop turns to me and starts softly sobbing out curse words to me. He calls me every name under the sun in a soft scared voice that actually makes my chest ache. I've never seen him this way. I walk him to the bunk bed and he crawls onto the top bunk without any help. Hes still telling me how mad he is at me. I take a piss and lay down in my damp clothes. I can still feel the bed shake from his shivering.

"Soda, you alright?"

"The hell do you think, Dally?"

He cuts back at me in a harsh whisper and I hear his voice start to crack. I should have known he'd be like this. But I'm still a little drunk from Buck's and I can't think straight. It's a good thing the cops didn't catch on to that too. Or I'd be in big trouble. That's another charge.

"Relax. If you get too cold, climb on down here and sleep with me. We can share blankets."

Sodapop's POV

I crawl off my bunk the moment the offer is spoken. These beds are so small and hard. I can't stop crying for some reason. I just feel so helpless. I was having so much fun and now I can't seem to get rid of the lump in my throat. I end up lying on top of Dallas and he pulls both of our blankets over me. I haven't slept like this since I was a little kid in my dad's arms. It feels weird and I'm uncomfortable and scared and overwhelmed. But Dal is quiet and he seems fine. Hes got his arms around me and hes rubbing my back, probably to shut me up so I don't get us in trouble. Its hard but eventually I fall silent. A few tears slip here and there but I don't make any more noise. We're consumed by silence. My body throbs and it takes hours before I warm up. Dally doesn't fall asleep either though. Every time I look at him he's awake and seemingly lost in thought. I bet Darry is so worried right now. I told him I'd be home by midnight. I promised. He probably waited up all night with Pony. They're probably both awake right now worried. I wonder if he's looking for me- for us. I wonder if Buck told him I was there and he's mad at me. I wonder if the rest of the gang is worried too. Maybe the cops even went and told them-

"Soda..? gotta get up.."

I hear Dallas voice and I realize I must of fallen asleep. I stir a little and look at him. He's tired looking and has his lips pursed together like he's annoyed. That just annoys me back.


"Get up. I need to piss."


I shift off of him and he shifts around me and gets up. I don't look at him even though it's such an open spot to put a toilet. I keep my eyes down and watch the cement floor. When he's done, he comes back and sits beside me.

"You ready for your first day?"

"You say it as if I'm going to camp..."

"Well, you will learn new things."

"Like what...? How to be a criminal?"

"Or maybe how to bend over just the right way."

"...I hate you Dallas Winston..."

He just winks and smiles.


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