Cell 23

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At first, I wasn't sharing a cell with Jack, I had a cell all to myself. Cell 23. And I wish that they had kept it that way. They had put me in there because I was a 'mentally disabled freak'. I didn't want to believe it, but... I already know that I'm only half human.

I can be classed as many things, a failed project, a broken android, a piece of technology. Only that's not just what I am at all. I feel... Human. I was created by a scientist, sure, but I am mostly human. I was made of human body parts but I also have wires and chips inside me. I have no memory of my last life, but that doesn't matter to me. It wasn't supposed to matter to me.

I was created as an android made to protect the human race, but like in all robot movies, there's always one that goes wrong and begins destroying the human race instead of protecting it. On my first test run, I escaped from my creator, who was restricting me from doing everything a human would do. Rumours say he killed himself because he was guilty for 'creating such anarchy'. I have all the feelings and emotions of humans, I can feel them all, but the one thing that bothers me is that I haven't felt them all. That's what I thirst, that's why I'm here. I kill, to feel the somewhat 'joy' that has been described to me. I felt it. But in the end, it wasn't worth it, I got thrown into a cage for the rest of my life.

I named myself (f/n. I don't know why I named myself that, it just felt like the right thing. My hair is long and dark, blood red. Both my eyes are mechanical, only my right eye is broken from when I took a punch to it, so my left eye is sunset orange in the iris and my right is fully red. I have a short, slim body and pale skin. I'm only 4'9 and I'm supposed to be 17. I'm such a shortie. I have a real obsession for fashion, though, I'm a big fan of goth lolita and black 'shadowy style' stuff. I was made to wear wacky clothes like a top hat with a cats face on it and gloves that have multiple colours on them that didn't even go together. The first time I looked at myself, I knew I didn't want to keep it that way.

Now I share a cell with a young man infamously known as Eyeless Jack. At first I only found him intimidating because he was quiet and I didn't know what he was hiding underneath his mask. I was curious to see what was behind the mask, but now I regret being curious at all.

Click click

"(F/n), wake up! Grr..."

I looked up, it was Jack.

"I didn't know robots could get lost in deep thought," He chuckled.
"I already told you, I'm human!" I argued.
"You just love to tell yourself that, don't you?"
I stayed silent and stared into nothingness as he sat beside me on my untidy bed.
"Please get off my bed," I said
"I feel uncomfortable."
"Too bad." Jack stated.
There was a short silence before he gently nudged me with his shoulder.
"I'm bored." He sighed.
"For fucks sake Jack, why now of all times have you decided to start talking to me like I'm your friend?"
"I'm bored." He repeated.
I did not reply.
A woman opened a small hole in the bottom of the door up and slid a tray through it.
"Lunch." She said.
I quickly ran to the door and grabbed the hand of the woman, pulling it towards me.
"Hello, hello!?" I shouted. "Hello!? Please come inside, I'm alone, please!! I just want a friend!"
She yanked her hand back and walked on to the next cell.
Jack laughed at me "That's never going to work!"
I looked down at the food she had passed through the bottom of the door and I sat against it. I began eating it.
Jack just watched me, with jealousy and disgust written all over his face. I looked at him.
"I've been fucking starving for weeks, they only feed me ONCE a week and you get THREE meals EVERY DAY! Plus the shit they give me is always from dying people so it tastes grim! Ugh."
Honestly, I felt bad for him. So I slowly and nervously walked to him and sat beside him on my bed.
I quickly grabbed his chin and opened his mouth, shoving my arm into it and closing it tight as I gritted my teeth and tried not to whimper as small tears formed in my glassy orbs.
His eyes widened.
"I-.. I agree...! It's not fair." I stated, trying not to cry in pain.
Jack bit a whole chunk of my arm off, I tried my best not to make any noise, but I gave into the pain and screamed. He covered my mouth and swallowed the flesh in his mouth. He put his arm around my shoulder and felt my heart beating fast as he held my bloody arm in his grey hand.
"I... Thank you...? No, sorry." Jack struggled to speak "We.. I need to cover that up before you bleed too much."
He took off his hoodie and wrapped it around my arm.
"You didn't need to do that."
"I hate seeing you get ill every month waiting to be fed so your hunger will finally be satisfied. Even if you're going to be the one to end my life, I don't care! Nobody deserves to be treated the way you are treated, no matter how many times they have sinned!" I shouted.
"(F/n)... Rest."
He laid me down on my bed and walked to his own and sat.

"Thank you."

Cell 91  {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now