Where is my real Home?

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A day had passed, Jack was ready to leave to the mansion. But I wasn't. I liked it in Jacks house, it's private and comfortable and it's not too big. I will be meeting with a ton of new people and I'm just not ready. I don't even know who these people are, I've never heard of slender mansion. Will there be more people like Jack? Are they all gonna be killers like Jack!?
Thoughts and questions flooded into my mind. Jack walked towards me.
"(Y/n), I'm ready to go..." He stated casually, "(Y/n)... Are you okay?"
"I'm nervous... What if the people living there don't like me?"
"Who'd care as long as I like you. If anything bad happens I promise I'll be there."
Jack spread his arms wide, gesturing to hug. So I took it and buried my face in his warm chest.
"Listen... It will be fine, I'm right here."
"But you're not always gonna be right here..."
"In two weeks you won't need me anymore, you'll have found someone else."
"Jack you're crazy. No one can replace you."
Silence filled the room we stood in.
"You too."

2 hours later and Jack was navigating the woods. I wasn't fully listening to what he was saying, I was more admiring the nature. I looked at Jack and smiled.
"So how long until we arrive?"
"About an hour."
"Ah, not too long, it will be fine."
I stopped in my tracks as I saw a beautiful blue flower standing proudly in front of me. I kneeled down.
"What a pretty flower..."
I reached out to touch the flower.

Silence. Everything was blurred and I could hardly see the dark blue of Jacks mask. My breaths started to get shaky and then,

Cell 91  {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now