Pain. (Halloween special)

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My eyes slowly opened to a dark setting. 'Where am I...?' I thought. The last thing I could remember was touching that flower. I looked around and identified that I was in a town of some sort, like medival-type and it was nighttime. I looked up at the moon only to see...
Something like in a child's nightmares.
The moon had a face, an angered face. It had glowing orange-yellow eyes that glared straight into my soul and captured it.
"My my, look what we have here."
The voice of a young man echoed through the town like a glitching audio track. My attention snapped towards the source of the noise. A young man, as I suspected, with blonde hair, a green shirt and trousers and brown boots.
"WHA--" I was interrupted by his cold hand touching my mouth.
He pulled a knife out of his pocket as he smiled at my sweet, muffled screams.
"This won't take long, sweetie~"
The cold blade rested on my chest, just below my breasts, and then dug deep inside my flesh as I screamed in pain. The knife did not hit my heart, but it dragged downwards, revealing my half-mechanical insides.
"Aah, what a lovely sight. These are quite unique though." The young man whispered.
He shoved his right hand deep inside my chest, tears streamed down my face as I screeched and screamed, still muffled by his other hand. He ripped out one of my insides. He licked it and glanced at me as he took his hand away from my mouth.
"You are a pretty picture, aren't you? And what are you doing in the woods, hm?"
"J-Jack... Where..."
"Jack? One of your friends?"
"Eyeless... Jack..."
His eyes widened at what I said.
"How do you know Jack?"
"Cell... 91..."
He was cut off my the world beginning to glitch and fade away.
"(Y/n)! (Y/N)!"
A familiar voice echoed in my ears, and all the pain had disappeared.

Another short one but I had to make a Halloween special 😂😂 I know it's late and I'm sorry.


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My name is Birdy and my code is #3609
No spaces, capital letter.

Cell 91  {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now