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"There we go." I said.
Finally the house was tidy. Jack had found another mask lying around and had put it on. He said that it was a good idea to have spares and I agreed. But I don't understand why he would need to hide his face after months of me seeing it everyday, I've gotten used to his face now. I just don't see why he would need to wear it indoors.
"Thank you for helping me, (f/n)."
"No problem, Jack"
"Listen, I know you have no place to go if I kick you out and I owe you for all the things you've done for me, so, if you want, you could stay here for a while."
"That would be great!" I said.
"Awesome. There's only one bedroom so you can take it for now. I'll sleep on the couch."
"It would be more comfortable for you, and you are my guest. My first one."
"You don't have t-"
"Nah it's fine, I swear." Jack said, interrupting me.
I nodded
"...Jack," I said, "Do you have any food...?

-Jacks POV-

'Oh fuck, what should I say!?' I thought, 'I can't just say no, she fed me so I should feed her! It's only fair!'
"I, uh..."
"Jack, stop panicking" Said (f/n), laughing.
"I'm sorry! I have no food! Forgive me!"
"It's fine, we can just go out and get some."
I was so relieved, and come to think of it, starving. She was right, we should go out and get food. So we left.
"I have an idea," I said "We could go kill a family."
"Why would either of us need to kill at all? Oh wait... Oh yeah."
"I can't go to a shop looking like this and neither can you! We will both get caught in no time! Plus I've never heard of a shop that sells fresh human insides!"

-Your POV-

My face turned pale as the thought of Jack cutting out and eating organs slithered into my mind.
"...(f/n), are you ok?"
"Yeah! L-Lets just go..."
"Ok." He said "We'll just take as much food as we can take from them, enough to feed you." Jack said

Enough to feed me.

Cell 91  {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now