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"Here." Jack said, handing me a dish of (fv/f) and a fork to eat it with.
"Thank you, Jack." I replied.
Immediately, I dug in, finally satisfying the emptiness in my stomach. Jack just watched me, I found it slightly uncomfortable...
"Why are you staring at me...?"
It took a while for Jack to respond
"...Is there something wrong...?"
"...No." I decided to lie.
I carried on eating and I saw a pile of books to the right of me. I hadn't seen these books in Jacks house before.
"Are those new?" I asked, looking at them.
"You're a reader?"
"I am."
"... Haha! Nerd." I quoted, recalling that day in cell 91.
Jack just sighed and mumbled to himself. I couldn't hear what he was saying, though.

~Jacks POV~
'She can be so annoying sometimes...' I thought. I felt something in my pants. Knowing the familiar feeling, my eyes widened and I tried not to make a noise. In complete embarrassment, my face went red under my mask. I was fully erect. 'Jesus! Why now!? Oh god, I hope she doesn't see...'

~Your POV~
As soon as I had finished, I got up to wash my dish.
"Where are you going?" Said Jack, his voice sounded shaky and uneasy?
"I'm going to wash thi--"
"I'll do it. You sleep. Goodnight."
I stared at him confused, he had his back to me... 'What's up with him?' I thought.
"...Okay. Goodnight." I said, and laid on his bed.
"S-See you tomorrow."
And he left me to sleep.

Just a short, but cute/kinky one... Whatever way you want to put it. I promise I'll try hard not to make this a smut, lmao.

Cell 91  {Eyeless Jack x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now