Organs pt. 1

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(Fv/f)=favourite food
"You take downstairs, I'll go up." Jack said
I searched downstairs for any victims, starting with the kitchen. There was a woman cooking something. Something good... The sight made my stomach growl uncontrollably. She looked my way and saw me.
"Shit!" I said.
Quickly, I sprinted towards her and covered her mouth, making it unable for her to scream. Then I snapped her neck, meaning her death was fast and painless. I then began searching the other rooms and saw a young boy playing on a video game console. I sneaked behind him and covered his mouth, then to finish it, I stabbed him in the neck with a small knife I had found in the kitchen.
I searched the house for any others and there was none. So I went back to the kitchen. I identified the food the woman was cooking as (fv/f). I love (fv/f)! So I completed her cooking and put it in a container so I could bring it back to Jacks house. Then I started going through their cupboards, looking for anything else to take. Jack entered the kitchen.
"EUGH! What's that vile smell!?" Said Jack, disgusted.
"(Fv/f)~!!" I replied.
"It smells disgusting!"
"No it doesn't!"
"Yeah it does! Anyway, what did you find?"
"(Fv/f)!!" I shouted, drooling.
"Yes, I am aware, what else did you find?"
"Cereal, chips, biscuits, bread, ham, cheese, and..." I took a deep breath, "(FV/F)~!!"
"Why are you so excited about such a disgusting dish??"
"(Fv/f)  is so amazing! It's the best food ever!!"
"Well, I've got my food." Jack muttered with a wide grin on his face.
I went completely silent as he chuckled.
"Look! Oh, I love kidneys!"
Jack held up a pair of kidneys. He had gone too far.
I covered my mouth but I couldn't keep it in. I puked all over the floor. Jack laughed loudly as he took a bite out of one.
"You sick little..."
He swallowed.
I passed out.

Opening my eyes, I could see that I was in Jacks bed. I sat up and looked around. I was in new clothes, they weren't mine. I was wearing a huge black hoodie and dark denim jeans. They were both way too big for me.
'Wait a minute..' I thought, 'these are... THESE ARE JACKS CLOTHES!'. My whole face turned tomato red.


I wanted to finish this page here, originally it was going to be a lot longer but I just thought you'd want a new page sooner.... I'm pretty sure part two will be a lot shorter than part one.

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