The End Of Forever

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Tessa POV:

Team 10 is my life, it's my job. I've seen Jake angry, I don't want it to be towards me. I can't risk everything I have here. I guess it's for the best.

"We don't have to do this." Emilio says softly looking me directly in the eye. "But we need to." Emilio throws himself on the bed disappointedly. "This isn't my choice." I say trying to lighten the mood between us. "It kind of is." He says emotionless staring at something in the corner. "Emilio-" "Leave." I do as he commands, although I wanted to kiss his lips.

Emilio POV:

I hate Team 10, I hate everything about it. Jake, Chessa.... Tessa?? She is a grown woman and can choose her relationships, why let Jake tell you what to do. I hate this. Every time I look at Tessa, I see us, I don't see Tessa, I see Temilio. I see myself when I look at her. I've gone through so much to just be hers, I don't want this to be all for nothing.

I've always imagined about the day me and Tessa would be a couple. But I've never even thought about this day. I didn't come out of my room that night. I guess that's the problem with relationships, you invest everything not thinking that one day, you'll lose that everything. I want her.

Tessa POV:

I really like Emilio, but in this situation, I just can't be with him, I need to be in Team 10. This is my living. I'm sorry Emilio, maybe in another lifetime.

"Let's get a Chessa video on the road!" Jake shouts coming down stairs. "Ohh, the views!" Chance didn't look so sad to tear up my relationship with Emilio. He'd be throwing a hissy-fit if tables were turned.

*The Video*

T- Hey guys!! Tessa here and today me and Chance have some news for all you Chessa folks!

C- We are here to announce Chessa is official! Haha, yep, it is real!

T- Yeah, we kind of let it slip at the spin the wheel challenge, but once we saw all of y'alls comments, we decided to make it official. So here we are! Sorry this video is so short, but we just wanted to tell the world. So bye guys!

Emilio POV:

I overheard the entire video conversation and it made me sick. Stop pretending that's your girl, she's not your girl! Come to think of it, she's not mine now either.

Tessa POV:

The only thing that got me through the video was pretending Chance was Emilio. I wonder if things would be different if it was Emilio and I kissing at the challenge, of course they would!

Emilio POV:

I had to make her come to that dang challenge, I had to run off, I should've kissed her right after Chance and show him up. I should've made a tweet about Temilio before Chessa could post that video, now the world ships it, but no one has no idea what's really going on. Everyone loves Chessa, but no one even knows what Temilio is. It's so sad.

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