The One-Sided Kiss

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Emilio POV:

I wake up like usual, get up, take a shower, get dressed. I'm surprised I wasn't waken up by Jake. I leave the room and knock on Chance and Anthony's room, I was wondering if Anthony would want to come workout with me. I knock and open the door I see Tessa and Chance sleeping together snuggling!

I shut the door and leave angrily, I go in the backyard and kick the first thing I see. I slide down against the wall crying my hands gripping my hair. I know 'Chessa was real' just for the fans, but why the heck were they sleeping together?! I think Tessa really does like him, I've been replaced, if Tessa thought I was mad before, just wait!!!

Tessa POV:

I woke up to a knock on the door someone walks in then leaves, I don't get to see who it was. I get up to go after them, but I didn't think I could get up without waking Chance up, or worse, jerking him off the bed. So I just get comfortable again and attempt to fall back asleep. It couldn't have been that important right??

Liz POV:

I walk outside and see Emilio crying, I know exactly why. I caused it. Do I regret it, no, will I regret what's to come, no.

"Oh my gosh, Emilio? What's the matter?" "Nothing, wait, how did you know it was me, not Ivan crying." Crap, I didn't think about that. I know it was Emilio because I worsened things between Temilio, but why would Ivan be crying? "I already talked to Ivan today, so I know that he's wearing your black hoodie merch. "Ivan's still asleep." Emilio says but is still crying.

"Emilio." I said, trying to change the subject, "Why are you crying?" "You wouldn't understand!" He says and buries his face into his legs. "It's Tessa. I can tell." "How do you know about me and Tessa." "She used to talk about you that first day, but it wasn't good things. She said she moved on, in fact, don't tell anyone, but she said she loves Chance." LOL. That was a fun lie to tell.

Seeing Emilio's face drop at that last sentence gave me both sadness but opportunity. "Come inside." I say and help him up. Come on Tessa, get up...

Emilio POV:

Liz comes and comforts me, which is nice, but I really don't want anyone around. I leave her side to go raid the fridge when I hear Tessa coming down the stairs. End your session with Chance, huh??

Next thing I know, Liz pins me in a corner and kisses me. I can't move, mainly because I'm in shock but also because girl got a grip! What the heck is this chick thinking?!

Tessa POV

I walk into the kitchen and BAM! There it is, Liz making out with Emilio! Like what?! You move known him for less than a day.

I'm very disappointed at how fast Emilio could move on. Considering I still have feelings for him, and had to force myself to choose Chance over him. I just want him back. Sure Jake can be persuasive at times, but I should've never let him choose who I love. Wait, love? Do I love Emilio?

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