My Happy Ending

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Emilio POV:

"When you want a love life like Temilio." I smile as I read some of the comments on a video. I'm actually really happy, like really genuinely happy. There's nothing holding me and Tessa back from each other. It's been like that for a couple days now. And I can honestly say it's been the best week of my life.

I go downstairs and see Ivan, Erika, and Tessa. "Hey guys." I say walking to the kitchen where they were. "Sup bro." Ivan answers back. "Do we want to make a YouTube video?" I ask because I'm extremely bored, "Yeah!" Tessa says with a big smile, "What do we want to do?" I think, maybe we could prank someone.

"I like that." Erika says whilst strolling through her Instagram. "Okay." "What if we prank Jake!" I shout and I could've swore for some reason I saw Erika's eyes light up when I said his name. "What was that Rik?" Tessa says, I guess she saw it too. "I'm just excited to prank him." Erika says blushing. Tessa and I look at each other, and give each other that look. Yeah, we might not be the only ship in this port.

"Let's put sand in his sand which." Ivan says pointed to the loaf of bread on the counter. "Okay." Tessa says, "I like it." Erika says finishing her off. "I'll get the sand!" I grab the keys, and head out. Jake is going to be so mad, I better sleep with my door locked tonight.


I get back with some sand in a ziplock bag. "Why didn't you buy some sand?" Erika asks with furrowed brows looking at the bag. "Why buy sand when the local park already has some?" Erika and Tessa shoot each other a look. "Whatever bro." Ivan says shaking his head walking up to me and taking the bag. "We have the sand which ready."

We fill sand in between the two slices of bread and get ready. "Jake, come try my new sand which, it's a new recipe, everyone loves it!" Ivan shouts up to Jake's room.

We here footsteps on the stairs and our comes Jake. "This better be good Martinez..." Jake started picking up the sand which. "It is, it's my favorite." I say backing Ivan up.

Jake takes a bite and spits it out. "Aaahhh, Martinez!" Jake says running to the sink, everyone is laughing and Erika is filming. "Oh, y'all are going to get it!" Jake starts chasing us around the house. I bump into Tessa and we fall on the couch.

Tessa laughs and I put my arm around her and kiss her. We get up and go get Jake off of Erika. "Okay, well I'm off to bed." Jake says patting Erika on the back before running upstairs.

"I guess we should get ready too." I say to Tessa and she agrees. We go up and snuggle after getting our teeth brushed and pajamas on. We sit and watch Grey's Anatomy.

I look over at Tessa and she is already sound asleep, I think about all our memories and what we've gone through to be here together. I smile, this is my happy ending.

A/N: Guys one more chapter and we are done!! This has been a crazy journey, stay tuned for the last chapter of Not For Me | A Temilio Fanfiction.

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