My Girl, My Love, My Wife.

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Tessa POV:

I turn around and see Emilio staring at me with nervous but hopeful eyes, he stayed.

"Emilio?" I ask gently. He gives a sweet but subtle smile. "Why are you here?" "For this."

"Tessa, I have known you for a while now, and I work with you, I live with you, I practically do everything with you. We've grown so close, I want to live my life with you. I don't want for us to grow up, move on, and in 10-something years, never talk again. No-"

My eyes are on the verge of tears, this all happened so quick.

"In 10-something years," He continues, "I want to be waking up next to you. Tessa, I really love you. I'm crazy for you, and I just want us to be more than what we already are. Because boyfriend and girlfriend is just not satisfying enough. Tessa... please, will you marry me?"

Of course I say yes, we are both crying and hug, "I love you, Emilio." "I love you, Tessa."

We head back to the Team 10 house... "AAHHH, ITS EMILIO!" Everyone comes to the door, "Ayyy, it's the Martinez's!" Jake shouts followed by a lot of other mumbling and shouting that all sounds like a blur because everyone's talking at once.

"Guys, guys, guys!" Erika shouts over the talking and everyone goes quiet. "What happened?" She asks us, I hold up my left hand and show the ring. There we go, the shouting and blur again, but this time there are jumps, hugs, and lots of 'congratulations'

"Where's the honeymoon?" Ivan shouts out. "We haven't decided..." I say looking to Emilio, "but I'm thinking beach." I say with a jump turning back to the team. "I like that." Emilio says.

"Okay!" I shout, throwing my hands up. "Marriage, beach, family!" I say excitedly. "Ooooohhh," I hear Erika say, Emilio blushes. "Well y'all got some talking to do, so well leave y'all alone." Jake says and leaves with the rest of the team. Except for Ivan who pats his brother on the back before running off.

"Let's go," I say taking Emilio's hand and head gesturing to my room. We go in, sit down, and make out for a while before I release, "You want a family?" I ask, "In the future, yes." I smile. "Me too."

Emilio POV:

I wake up next to Tess- MY FINANCE!! YAS!! I still can't believe everything that's happened, but now that there's a ring on it, I shouldn't have to worry.

I gently lift my arm from her and get off the bed without waking her up. Breakfast in bed!! I go down and start cooking, I'm so good, I should be a professional.

"Watch out Gordon Ramsey!" I say doing ninja moves with a spatula, I eventually drop it and knock over the vegetable oil that is now all over the floor. My bad..

Tessa comes down stairs. "Sup cutie." She says laughing, I step in front of the vegetable oil and try to hide my mess. "Nothing." She leaves and walks into the office. I put everything up, so much for breakfast IN BED!!! Maybe tomorrow.

I get dressed, and start thinking of a video for the day.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the crappy ending, I'm also sorry for not posting as much, I just started Volleyball and don't get home till around 6, so I have like no time to write.
But tomorrow's Friday, so woohoo weekend, woohoo Wattpad, here I come!!

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