Mine for a time. (Einmau)

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This takes place during my street, but doesn't fall into any part of the story line. Non of the cannon information from emerald secret and pdh season 2 matters.

A relationship is a nest. Its twigs are love, trust, and respect.


I was his bride once but never his wife. For a time I was his sun and every star that was ever in the sky. He revolved around me and I couldn't have been happier. I was perfect, he was perfect, we we're perfect, or so I thought.

Was it me? Was it him? Or was it her that took our love apart?

She came to my nest an unfamiliar bird and slowly stole away every twig that was it's foundation. I stood and watched, a spectator to my own destruction. Even though the signs were there it came as a shock.

"Aaron why?" He looked different through the tears in my eyes. He was no longer the boy I fell carelessly in love with. He was no longer my f.c. My warrior. I was his healer, but who would heal me after this?

"Aphmau." His voice was but a whisper. A whisper that held no pain, held no fear, held no guilt. A silence fell upon us. The only sound present was the shatter of my heart as I watched her pluck the last twig from my nest.

"Lilly." I muttered the name of the women who successful stole my happiness. Saying her name made it real. She confirmed all my suspicions.

"Aphmau, you and I both know we can't keep doing this. Our relationship is only killing the both of us." Aaron finally said.

Was it our relationship killing me or finding him with another that was killing me?

My knees felt weak and the ground pulled me in. He gave me his hand to take but not keep. I refused, he could no longer help me up when I fell. I had to learn to stand on my own and with that I left. I put up no fight for him, he was no longer mine to fight for. She had won. He was no longer worth my fight.

It took me months to stop hearing the sound of his voice when ever the wind blew, to stop seeing the shine of his eyes when I looked at the stars. I finally was able to leave to the confines of my mother's arms and live on my own again. I stopped looking at the pictures of their love from her Instagram. I finally took the traces of ours down from mine. I moved from the city that we built our life in and got a job a cafe. Then one day he walked in.

He was a vision of my forgotten memories. Ein. The omega that fought hard to win my heart but was too late because it belonged to another.

"Aphmau?" His voice held shock and excitement.

"Ein, it's been years."

"It has."

From there we moved on. Ein would come into the cafe and order the same coffee each time. Always drinking slow even though it was an ice coffee. Then finally he asked the question that we both secretly had been waiting for.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Ein knew the story of my heartbreak. He had been there the night I seen them together. She was pregnant with his child but had no ring on her finger. Did she need one if a child was a testimony of their love? Is that why he loved her because she could give him what I failed to keep? I broke. The wall i had built to hold back my pain collapsed and Ein was there to pick me up and carry me home.

"Yes." I said pushing the unwanted pain away. My voice for the first time in a while sounded happy. A sound that had been long forgotten by my ears.

From there I rebuilt my life. I started over with Ein. Ein worked his hardest to remove all traces of Aaron from my mind and my heart. We know walked along the board walk watching the water rise and crash down on itself. Ein let my hand go and fell a few paces behind.

"What's wrong?" I asked and turned to face him. His face held no expression. A feeling of fear filled me to the brim. That all changed when he dropped down to one knee.

"Aphmau Jessica Bravura, will you marry me?" Ein asked. Nervousness laced his voice.

I just stood searching for an answer as memories of Aaron's proposal raced through my mind. The memory of him cheating soon followed. I was scarred, of getting hurt again and possibly losing Ein.

"Don't." His voice brought me out of my trance. "Don't you dare compare me to him. I love you! I will not let him ruin this for me, for us!" Ein said his voice steadily rising as tears brimmed both of their eyes. He walked to me until we were toe to toe and took my face in his hands.

"Please say yes."


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