Repent for our sins (Travlyn)

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This takes place after the chapter Undeniable Attraction. You don't not need to read the smut to understand this. The smut will be taken out and the rest will be placed in this chapter. This one shot includes harsh language. Enjoy.

For those who came for the follow up scroll to the bottom until you see the *


Travis walked along the beach, the waves lapping at his toes and wetting the sand below his feet. He looked out onto the water that was the same soft shade of blue as Katelyn's hair. The sky had transformed from its normal blue to a soft shade of pink. He watched the sun set as if returning to the ocean.

Here he was watching the sunset, alone. This isn't what he imagined when Katelyn agreed to go to starlight with him. This isn't what he imagined when he caught of a glance of the blue haired beauty in highschool. She had always been the item of this affections. Affections she never returned.

It left a empty void that expanded from this heart to the pit of his stomach. That void was slowly being filled with sadness, guilt, and anger. He couldn't entirely blame Katelyn. He made mistakes in the past few years since living near her. His actions weren't always the smartest or very well thought out. Even he wasn't certain as to why he did the things he did. There was one thing her was sure of, he had always been sure. His love for Katelyn burned inside him like fire. It always made him feel a warm feeling the bordered pain and pleasure.

He only feared that his fire would consume him, leaving him to go up in flames, alone.

It came in waves, the sadness, the guilt, and finally the anger. He had changed or at least he tried.

He looked out onto the ocean, trying to forget about her, but he couldn't. For years she was thought about when he went to sleep, hoping that one day she would have the same feeling towards him. When she came on the trip, she gave him false hope, she tricked him.

Travis tried to calm himself down, he tried to think of other things, but everything came back to her. As it got colder, he crossed his arms and put his hands on his upper arms. He progressively got more angry as time went by. His thoughts were just filled with memories of Katelyn's wrong doings.

He thought back to every time she ignored him, insulted him, and hit him. His nails subconsciously dug into his arms, but he didn't notice. He was deep in anger when he noticed that he had scratched himself so much that he started to bleed. He took this as a sign to go and get some sleep. Hopefully Katelyn wasn't there.

As Travis went into the the room, his hopes were crushed. Katelyn was eating something when he came in."Hey Travis, are you okay? You're bleeding a bit."

Travis didn't respond he simply went to get a bandage, hoping that she wouldn't speak to him anymore. He walked past her, trying to get to the bed. She followed him and put her hand on his shoulder.

"Travis, was it something I did? I'm sor-" Travis yanked her hand off of him.

"YEAH, IT WAS SOMETHING YOU DID YOU RACIST PIG!" He yelled, filled with rage, "Every time I express my feelings towards you, you insult or hit me, you dramatic fucking bitch!"

"What the hell?!" For once Katelyn felt actual fear towards Travis. What had she done to push him this far? Would he hit her? No, not Travis he wasn't like her, he was kind and patient.

"You know exactly why I'm pissed. What the hell is wrong with YOU?! Katelyn I've been in love with you since I was 14 and all you have done is push me away." His voice had lost the volume it held moments prior. He was hurting, he had been for a while now.

"This isn't my fault!" Katelyn shouted back to him. Jumping up and down like a child.

"IS IT EVER YOUR FAULT?!" Travis shouted as loud as he could. He wanted her to hear him. Its a good things his father was out. Katelyn open her mouth to speak but Travis stopped her. Katelyn needed to listen to him now before it was to late for them.

"Don't you dare blame your mother. This isn't her fault. Aphmau's dad left her, do you see her pushing everyone away? My own mother left do you see me pushing anyone away?" He was exhausted, fighting her drained him. This would be it, he needed to move on. She would never love him back and he's wasn't waiting for nothing anymore.

Travis turned away from her. This is how it ended, him turning his back on the women he loved.

Travis wait!" Katelyn's pleading voice called him. He stopped in his tracks but didn't turn around. Katelyn knew he wouldn't look at her so gave him a reason to turn around

(This is where the smut is in the lemon book. This isn't needed for the ending.)

After the heat died between the two of them only silence was present. This wasn't they to fix the things that had been broken. Travis finally pulled out of Katelyn. Leaving her feeling empty.

Had she officially pushed him away? This is what she wanted. Why did it feel so painful to know she and killed his fight? The truth is she always loved Travis. She was just afraid that he would leave like her mother. She heard him shuffling behind her and the door opening. It was now or never.

Did she really want this?

"Don't leave me!" Katelyn finally cried out. This was the first time Travis actually heard her cry. A true sob that came from the pit of her soul, and he was there instantly.

Travis picked her up in his arms and held her while she poured her souls out to him. They both sunk to the floor and sat their holding each other.


"What now Katelyn?" Travis finally whispered.

"I don't know." Her voice was so weak, it could barley be heard over her sniffles.

Where did they go so wrong?

"I can't keep doing this. You know how I feel about you. I've changed. Why can't you just give me a chance? Why do you run me off. You given so many other guys a chance, why not me?" Travis asked his voice breaking.

"I'm sorry!" Katelyn sobbed once more.

"Me too!" The both of them held each other and cried.

"I'll try and change Travis, for us. I just need you to be there for me."

"I'm always here for you. I have never left you. Even after all the unfair shit you put me through."

"I'm willing to make this work Travis."

"Good." That was the last word exchanged between them before he pulled her into a sweet kiss. This time it was full of love and not lust.

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