Skip to the good part (Zene pt2)

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The second part to Kiss It All Better.

The red liquid dripped down from Zane's nose. He refused to look at them, he refused to cry even though he wanted to. He wouldn't give them satisfaction of seeing him defeated.

"Ah Zane. You're a mess!" Sasha said in a mocking voice. While Gene and Zenix had their laugh.

He finally understood how low Gene was willing to go. It hurt him deeply. All he did was love Gene. Zane picked up his phone and proceeded to call the last person he thought he would tonight.


It was a swift phone call, he refused to answer any of his brothers questions as to why he wanted to come home so soon; and why he was in a forest. Finally Garroth decided to stop pressing the matter and agreed to come get Zane.

Zane kept silent until Garroth came. He ignored all the remarks and sly comments that the shadow knights made towards him. He couldn't believe he had been so stupid. How did he not see Gene for who he truly was?

Did Gene feel nothing?

How could one person be so hallow?

After what felt like an eternity, Garroth finally came to get him. His brother took one glance at him before his face became as red as the paint Zane was covered in.

"What the hell happened to you?!" Garroth questioned Zane, his voice was on the edge of insanity. "What the hell did they do to you?" Zane had never seen Garroth become so protective.

"Come on Garroth. Let's go."

"Let's go? No, what the hell did you do to my baby brother Gene?" His question received him a smirk from Gene, at one point this would have caused the butterflies in Zane's stomach to flutter.

Not this time, all they did was kick so hard it almost made him sick.

"Look at him. What does it look like I did to your baby brother." Gene ended his words by throwing a mocking smile at Zane. Zane wanted nothing more than for the floor to reach down and swallow him whole.

"Garroth come on! Please." Garroth turned to see the broken look in Zane's eyes. He was to the point of pleading to him to take him home. Because of that, Garroth obeyed Zane's wish.

The car ride home was silent. Garroth tried to ask Zane what happened but he was only met with silence. He tried a different tactic of making small talk, and again Zane was having non of it. So Garroth left him alone.

Once they reached their home Zane's mother bombarded him with questions, all of which he ignored. He was in no mood to entertain them. He went up stairs and took a shower. It took him hours to get the paint out of his hair. Even after his shower he spent hours picking paint out of his hair.

The next day at school he was in a worse mood than usual and everyone was aware of it.

"Hey babe." Zane heard that same mocking voice. The same voice that would give him butterflies in his stomach. Those butterflies no longer fluttered, all they did was kick. It made him sick.

He didn't respond to Gene. He was no longer worth the response. That's how things went for them, silence. The rest of that year went by in a blur, Gene would make a sly remark to Zane, and Zane would let it fall death to his ears. Until one day, Zane stopped.

Summer came and Zane hardly noticed. He never left the house, not that I was Gene's fault, Zane never left the house. Garroth tired to coax him out for some "brotherly bonded" as he liked to call it, but Zane always declined. On rare occasions Zane would think about Gene, and those times left him with a hallow feeling in his stomach.

On day Garroth was able to pry Zane out of his room, with the help of his mother and father of course. So Zane was forced to go to the mall with his brothers.

"At least it was the mall." Zane thought. "I can pick a store to hide in until its time too go, neither of them will ever set foot in Hot topic."

So that's what Zane did. Little did he know that Gene had taken it up as a summer job. Unfortunately for him he realized that as he was at the counter. He was face to face with Gene.

"Hey Zane, I've been wanting to talk to y-" Gene didn't get to finish his sentence before he was cut off by Zane.

"Pardon me for my lack of excitement, but I'm not entirely thrilled." Zane rolled his eyes at Gene. Some nerve he had to try and talk to him. Zane found he no longer wanted his items and turned to put them back.

"Zane please!" Gene called out in a plea. It was a weak attempt at getting Zane to stay and hear him out. Somehow, it worked. Zane turned and looked at Gene with a bored expression.

"You have 5 minutes."

"Zane thank you." Gene said sincerely.

"4 minutes and 30 seconds left. Tick tock." Zane said in a monotone voice, but the harshness still hit Gene in the face.

"I'm not good at this, no not at all. I mean this truly Zane, I'm sorry for everything I did." Zane only scoffed in response. "It's my fault and I know it. Non of what I did was your fault."

He looked at Zane desperate for forgiveness. He was only met with a cold stare.

"Look it blew it."

"It's like you sat and you watched, you poked and you taunted me. That's all that you did." Zane said feeling a wave of anger crash against him.

"And I'm not fighting that, no not at all. I didn't realize how much I messed up until when I missed you calling my name from down the hall." Gene's voice hold remorse. Zane took a step towards Gene without even realizing it, he didn't stop until he was in front of the counter again.

"All of my words come out wrong." Gene mumbles to himself, shacking his head.

"You have a minute left and its slowly running out. What's can you say in a minute?" Zane was now close to Gene. Their noses almost touching.

Gene said nothing, he only pulled Zane in for a kiss. In front of everyone in the store.

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