Our Paths (Aarmau)

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Frozen waves crashed against her as she looked in his eyes. She could feel her heart come to life, and because of that she looked away.

This wasn't fair, why couldn't this be Garroth or Laurence? She promised them that she would wait. Her mind made a promise but her heart made non. She had fallen in love with Aaron.

She didn't know how or when, but she did. She faught hard against the selfless greed, it was worth it at the time. No matter how much she wanted to she didn't give in, until she did.

He was the piece of her she wished she didn't need. She wanted more than anything to repress her feelings for him. She was full of contradictions, this feeling was something she would chase relentlessly for.

She was fighting herself and she didn't know why. Garroth and Laurence mattered to her. Even if it didn't look like it to outsiders. She tried, she really did. She was forcing herself to love either Garroth or Laurence.

Why did it have to be Aaron?

A better question would be, why did she force feelings that wouldn't come?

She loved Garroth and Laurence, just not in the way they wanted her to. So many people wanted her to love one of them. They deserved it, they protected her, they saved her. They also betrayed her.

Garroth would still be here if his jealousy didn't get in the way. Laurence had completely left her, he was Irene knows where with Irene knows who, but Aaron was here.

He stayed by her side. Yes, they did have a rough start at first. The things he did were also done by Garroth and Laurence. The difference is time. They may not have been together as long, but she didn't care.

Aphmau deserved to be selfish. She had given so much for everyone else, it was time she take care of herself. She wanted this.


They stood face to face. Neither of them spoke because they both know how this ends. They held still right before they crashed.

Was it to late to walk away, or did she want to forget all common sense?

Her decision was made for her when he took a step in her direction. He looked at her, just waiting for her reaction. She was still at a war with herself, both sides refused to make amends. Her inner struggle cut deep.

She was still fighting and she didn't know why.

If they were not meant to be, why was he the remedy to her pain? Maybe if Aphmau didn't think so much she would be able to make this decision. Aaron wasn't going to wait anymore.

He cupped her small face in his large hands, tilting her head up to meet his eyes. He gazed at her as he strained to memorize every feature of her face. He ran his thumbs across her cheekbones, then along her sharp jaw line. Finally, his thumbs gently ran across her full lips, before he brought her own to meet hers.

Aphmau felt the sensation of bliss exploding in the back of her head. It was as if her heart and soul had been crying out for his for so long, and now, they finally had it. She felt a sense of familiarity that she couldn't explain. It was as if the past had come back to life.

She didn't hesitate to kiss him back with the same amount of force he provided. She wasn't giving this moment up. She didn't know how long it would be before she left this safety again. Nothing was certain with the war raging outside their doors.

So, she let herself have this moment of selfish greed. She knew she would regret this later. If Garroth and Laurence found out about this they would be destroyed, but if she didn't do this, she would be destroyed.

So, she didn't think, she lived in this moment. It was only them and nothing else.

I'm a not a big aarmau fan ,but ill still write oneshots for the ship when i have the idea for one. Personally I don't like Aarmau in mcd. In mystreet I think the ship is cute. I really like the idea of Aphmau having an internal struggle against her feelings, that's why I made a MCD one shot. There will most likely be more mystreet Aarmau oneshots than MCD.

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