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Rey Kenobi sighed and zipped her last bag. Two suitcases and three bags, that's all she accumulated during her whole life. She decided to leave place which was her home for eighteen years as soon as possible. She felt like no one there. Just like someone from kids who were abandoned by their parents. Rey asked one guardian to help her with her luggage and while he was taking them all to the taxi, she was staring at her room, which she shared with three other girls. And no, they weren't friends, because brown-haired girl seemed weird for them. Rey was an actual ray of sunshine. She was always happy, always laughing with the loudest laugh and the biggest smile. People were saying, that she is too pure to this world, and only kids could appreciate that. So that was one reason why she felt like an alien in her group - too good for normal teenagers. Second thing was that she always felt some darkness around her, outside she seemed so happy, but inside she was kinda dead. She didn't know anything about her past, the only stable thing was her surname, which she got from someone who left her at the door of that building. So yeah, orphanage didn't give her a lot of good memories. When she finally went down the stairs, no one in her age came to say goodbye to her. Even Lindsay, her best friend when they were seven years old, or Kevin, her first and only one boyfriend from third grade. She wasn't suprised, everyone was leaving her at the end. Only some kids came to hug they "older sister", like they were calling her.

-So how are you feeling Rey?-Martha, boss of the orphanage asked the girl when they finally left the building.

-Relieved. I want to finally live on my own.-She was lying, she was scared of being alone all the time. Even when she didn't have friends within other orphans, at least she had someone to ask about her place in a bathroom queu.

-I hope that you will visit us from time to time. We will miss you.-Martha said and smiled to the girl.

No, you won't. No one will miss me.

-Yeah, of course.-The taxi driver used horn, so she gave woman a quick hug.-I gotta go. Bye.

Rey sat down in a car and  gave the man address of her flat which was in the City of London. All adults were given homes to have fresh start after living in an orphanage. Rey got to her place after an hour of driving. She went to the second floor and opened the door to her new flat. It was small, but cosy. Living room connected with kitchen, bathroom and bedroom - she didn't need anything more.

 Living room connected with kitchen, bathroom and bedroom - she didn't need anything more

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She approached the window and saw office buildings and her new high school

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She approached the window and saw office buildings and her new high school. She had just two days to acclimatize in her new place and get ready to meet new people. And she had to find a job to afford her living. Martha gave her some money for the beginning, but then she had to deal with all these things by herself.

Rey heard a rumble in her stomach, so she decided to open a fridge and eat something. Unfortunately, she didn't find anything.

-I guess it's time to go outside.-Brown-haired girl sighed and took her wallet from the bag.-Ugh, adult life sucks.


Hi guys! 😄

A few things for the beginning:

1.English isn't my first language, so please, if something is wrong, correct me. I want to learn more while writing this story 😊

2.I love Star Wars and I adore Reylo. I wanted to write about them since TFA came out, but I was kinda scared of hate from anits. But know idc about them. If you want to send me hate because of me shipping Reylo, just leave this story, both of us will be happier 💁

3.Why AU? Because you can't find a lot of that type stories about Kylo and Rey, most of them are situated in the galaxy far, far away 💫

4.Do you like Stormpilot/FinnPoe? 😇

So tell me, what do you think about prologue? Do you want to see more or should I give up on this story? 🙊

If you like it, I will post more at the end of august, because now I'm going on a camp abroad and I won't have acces to the internet. I will also have trailer and cover for that book 👌

So yeah, I would appreciate votes and comments. If you read everything, thank you and ily 💖

PS.What do you think of the book's description? Is it interesting for you? 😚

PS2.Sorry for photos, I'm bad at describing rooms 😂

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