Chap 13. Because Of Him

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* time skip*

Once we were at Dan's flat, I realised what was about to happen. He pulled out his keys and started to unlock the door. My last memory here was when Dan saw . . . the scars. My palms started to grow with sweat. I tried to wipe them on my sleeves.

I winched in pain, as I realised I hadn't completely healed. I turned to Dan, who hadn't noticed.

He then opened the door and lead me in. Luckily Phil was out with Emma for the day. We then made our way to the living room, as sat down opposite each other on the coaches (sofa).

"Spill it," Dan spoke

"Um ok you have to promise you won't tell a soul. Emma's the only person who knows about them, and why." The fear was clearly visible in my voice.

"I promise,"

We shook hands, sealing the deal. For some odd reason I trusted Dan. We barely knew each other but I trusted him. Unlike Emma, which it took me about 8 months to fully open up to her.

A/N I'm going to do the flash backs in slanted writing.

*Flash Back*

It was my first year of high school. New year. New friends. New me. I would finally be able to escape the bullying, and Ava. I've been with her through out my whole schooling career. It was horrific. Luckily she wasn't going to my high school, but rumours have been going around that she might move to this school. I hoped with all my heart that they weren't true. I settled off for my class. Math first . . . Yay. At least my crush, Chris would be there. He was the most popular guy in school. Most girls had crushes on him, but I was different. I was in love. His hair, his clothes, his eyes. Chris was the man of my dreams. Well at least I thought. As I walked into math I took my seat.

*time skip*

Once math finished, Chris ran up to me. He gave me a piece of paper, and winked. I silently walked away, astonished at what had just happened. That day Chris was all that was on my mine.

*time skip*

The school bell rung, and I rushed out the door. I quickly walked home as fast as I could. I then pulled out my phone and texted Chris.

3:03 pm Y/N <3
Hey Chris :)

3:06 pm Chris ;) <3
Hi Y/N ;) wyd?¿

3:06 pm Y/N <3
Oh aha nm just you know walking home from school

3:10 pm Chris ;) <3
Nice . . . Do you wanna come to my house? I need help with my math ;) ;) ;)

Immediately started freaking out. In a good way.

3:11 pm Y/N<3
Yeah I'll be over soon ;;::)))


skip if you want to and the end I say what happened.

I was standing at the front of Chris's house. I knocked on the door and was instantly greeted by a shirtless boy.

" Hey," Chris spoke as he winked. He then said " Come in, do you want a drink?"

I felt weird. Not the good weird, the uncomfortable weird. But since I'm not rude I kindly agreed. We then walked into the kitchen, and he gave me a cup. It put shivers down my spine, at the fact that the drinks were already pre poured. I reluctantly drank the clear, bubbly liquid.

Suddenly my vision went blurry. My head ached, as my stomach turned.

A pair of hands gripped my waist. I assumed it was Chris comforting me. I still couldn't see properly. The hands then began to unbutton by jeans. I tried to push him away, but my actions and reflects weren't doing what my brain wanted them today. I tried to scream. As I opened my moth my jeans fell to the floor. I tried to scream again, but nothing came out. I tried to scream once more but as I opened my mouth Chris stuck his tongue in it.

I wanted to get out of this so bad. My body wouldn't listen to me though. I had been drugged by Chris. Everything went in slow motion.I then started to feel sick. I then felt a pain in womanhood.

I wanted to get away.
He was in full control.
I didn't want to be there.
I wanted to escape.

Then I saw black. I had passed out.


Wow wow wow
thank you all so sos sos sosoooo much.

Ik this chapter was really intense. If you skipped . . . Y/N was rapped by Chris . . .
I'll try and update at least once a week.

Kk bye!!

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