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The train arrived to the school and you got off the train. You walked to the moving carts and sat on one of them. You were driving to Hogwarts and looking around. You looked at the cart behind you and who would've thought. It was the House elf, together with his three friends. You nudged Kyungsoo sitting next to you and gestured to the cart behind you with your head. You said:"That's the guy, the one with pointy ears.". Kris looked over and shouted:"Yah, House elf! We meet again!" He laughed. The House elf looked over with  a bored expression. His three friends looked our way as well. The guy sitting next to him-he looked like he was first year- then looked at the House elf and said something, his eyes were full of worry. The House elf just shook his head and said something.

 The House elf just shook his head and said something

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I shouted:"Yah, elfie~!". Another one of his friends, with brown hair looked over and shouted back:"Yah, assholes! Leave him alone!"

 Another one of his friends, with brown hair looked over and shouted back:"Yah, assholes! Leave him alone!"

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I shouted back:"No!"I laughed again. They seemed very annoyed. They stopped dealing with us, and started talking among themselves. The ride was pretty much peaceful, until another one of his friends started laughing. His laughter was annoying. I looked over to see who that was. Okay, I had to admit, he was kinda cute.

I glared at them, but ignored and turned to Kyungsoo:"Ugh they're so loud

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I glared at them, but ignored and turned to Kyungsoo:"Ugh they're so loud. Why do they have to be behind us?". Kyungsoo sighed and said:"Hang in there."

The carts arrived to the school and you headed to the school. You climbed all the steps and entered the Great hall. You sat down between Tao and some random Slytherin, you assumed he was younger. All you cared about at that time was food, you really wanted food.

Ughh come on McGonagall! Bring the first years, sort them quickly! Oh God and the Sorting hat's song. UGH! Then Dumbledor's speech, that long ass speech, always the same...I'm so hungry! Can they just hurry up?!

That was all that was on your mind. You were looking around, your stomach was growling. "Where are they?!" you whined, and Tao said:"You're like this every year, endure it.". He was right, you sighed and waited. Finally, McGonagall brought first years and led them down the aisle. She told them all about the Sorting hat, then brought it to them and it sang his poem. Next was the sorting. The new kids in your house didn't seem so bad. Dumbledor made his speech, and so you got food. It was so good, you loved the food there.

You were now 15 years old...and you had to admit, you sorta liked Kris.

Plot twist :P
This was a bit shorter, but I hope you still liked it.
Thanks for reading > <

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