Should we tell

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She caught you complitelly off guard. You surely weren't expecting this, at all. You had to quickly say something:"What are you talking about? Of course I slept in my room. In my bed." She sighed and said:"No way. I purposely didn't fall asleep, waiting for you. If you slept in your bed, you would've got only like 4 hours of sleep."

Zoei added:"Come to think of it. I haven't seen you ever since quidditch ended. Did you go somewhere?" Your heart started racing, you had no idea how to react, what to say. You kept quiet for awhile, so she continue:"You went somewhere didn't you?" You were so nervous, your senses were messed up, so you shouted:"That's my own damn business! You don't have to stick your nose into everything!"

You didn't feel like eating anymore, and you also didn't wanna see those two any longer. You turned your back to them and walked off. As you exited The great hall, you heard footsteps behind you, so you turned around to see Chanyeol went after you. You decided to wait, but you were lowkey mad at him as well, just because his prediction was false. He caught up to you and asked:"Why did you shout?" 

You sighed deeply and told him:"Zoei and Rosie noticed I didn't sleep in my bed." You expected a hug but instead he sighed and said:"Listen, I think we should tell them."


"I said I-"

"I know what you said Chanyeol. I heard you. Are you serious about that? Instead of cheering me up when I need you, you go ahead and say stuff like this?"

He groaned in annoyance and spoke:"Listen to the reason."

"No, I've  heard enough." you said and turned around. After a few steps, he caught up to you and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back to him (I hope the gif works lmao).

As you looked at him, he spoke again:"(Y/N) listen to me! We are Slytherin and Gryffindor, that's the reason why we should tell them! I bet you a lot of Slytherins like Gryffindors and a lot of Gryffindors like Slytherins

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As you looked at him, he spoke again:"(Y/N) listen to me! We are Slytherin and Gryffindor, that's the reason why we should tell them! I bet you a lot of Slytherins like Gryffindors and a lot of Gryffindors like Slytherins. (Y/N) we can start a new thing! They would feel comfortable telling about it!"

He left you speechless. As soon as you finally realised what he was saying, you said:"And you're okay with the fact you might be the reason my friends leave me?" He sighed deeply and said:"Luhan and Baekhyun were already asking you if you like me right? They would support it."

"Chanyeol I'm talking about my friends!" you were extremly pissed, not being able to see what he means. He told you:"If they won't accept you, you are free to hang out with me, Luhan, and Baekyhun."

"Those girls are my roommates. I gotta sleep in the same room, and if they're gonna be glaring, how do you expect me to be okay??" you asked. He paused, then slowly let go of you and said:"Are you really that selfish? Telling them is a good thing. I thought you were smarter than this. Do you really not see what I wanna tell you? You only care about what others think about you, instead of being happy...."

His words hurt you, so you just stared at him in disbelief. You needed a minute to re-cap everything he said and take it into concideration. You sighed:" tell Baekhyun and Luhan, I'll tell Zoei and Rosie..."

You got the deserved hug as you said that. He wrapped his arms around you and held you close, saying:"It's the right decidion, I swear. It's gonna be okay." You hugged him back tightly, hearing his heart calmed you down. You thought, maybe that wasn't such a bad idea.

You decided to tell them tonight.

Yoooo long time no see~
I had like a writers block but yay I'm back now
Hope you liked it and thanks for reading~
Love youuu

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