A new friend pt.2

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The athmosphere at Hogwarts was still stiff. You did feel a bit guilty, since you concidered Kris your friend, and he could have told you. But then again, it wasn't your fault if he was the one who kept quiet.

You were lying down on your bed, trying to fall asleep. It's been quite a few days since the whole crisis happened and you haven''t talked to Chanyeol ever since then. You felt like you didn't need to talk to him anyways. 

You were alone in the room, when you suddenly started thinking, where even is Rosie. Maybe with Sehun? That would at least be a small light in middle of all this. A little later, a roommate of yours stepped in. You never talked to her much, but you knew quite a lot about her. Her name was Zoei, her hair was brown, and kinda wavy. She didn't want to be sorted into Slythering apparently, but there was a rumor that, her parents, in fact, forced her to beg The sorthing hat to place her in that house. She never wanted to talk about it, but you just assumed that her parents might have been death eaters. She was really, really smart, she had always wanted to be a Ravenclaw student. In her words Slytherin didn't deserve all the points she got us. Okay, you had to admit that would make sense.

This time, however, she seemed a bit upset. You asked:"Is everything okay?". She looked at you, kinda surprised you started the conversation first, and replied:"Ah, I'm just a bit stressed, because I think someone stole my notebook for Defense Aginst Dark Arts."

You sat up and asked her, when was the last time she had seen it, followed by:"In here...I think." You asked:"Why don't you try pinning some flyers around? Maybe someone took it by mistake?" She looked at you again, in panic. She spoke:"It'll be too late. My friend from Ravenclaw needs it..." Ah, such trouble, and for a Ravenclaw. You just wanted to get it over with, and you suggested:"Take mine, give it to them, and say it's yours." At that, she got kinda shy. She said:"I made a deal with his friend that I'd give it like...to him, and he would pass it on to the one who needs it.". You chuckled:"You like that guy?"

She nodded her head a bit. You continued:"What's his name?" She answered, her cheeks having a light shade of pink:"Minseok." You nodded after that, and suggested:"And the other guy?"

"Junmyeon. He has dark brown hair, almost black, he's quite tall..I mean taller than Minseok, and he looks older than from what he is. He's also attractive, so there will probably be a lot of girls around.." Ah so she got your plan already. Damn, smart indeed. You took your notebook:"Come with me, you'll explain this Junmyeon guy everything" then you walked out of the room, and Zoei followed you. 

You headed into the Great hall. She immediatelly spotted him. She pointed at the handsome boy, saying:"That's Junmyeon."

You nodded and walked over to him

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You nodded and walked over to him. He was doing his homework, he seemed to be really into it. You patted his shoulder and he jumped a bit, then turned around. When he saw you, he gasped in surprised, which left you confused, but you decided not to think about it too much. You told him to come with you, so he got up and confused followed you. You led him to Zoei, then you saw he relaxed. Zoei explained:"I lost my notebook, so my room mate, (Y/N), said that she'll give hers." as she gestured to you with her head. Then you got even more confused. You asked:"Wait, why don't you give him your own notebook??"

Junmyeon took the notebook you handed over and responsed:"Ah, so Minseok would think Zoei helped out."

Wow, they're ready to go far just to get noticed. You nodded slightly again and then looked at Zoei, saying:"Nice to finally talk to you. " She smiled at you and said:"Yeah took us long enough. You aren't as bad as I actually thought."

You didn't know why that made you smile, you just never had the impression of being scary to someone, or seeming bad in their eyes. Well, you could guess Chanyeol saw you as a bad person, just because you were in Slytherin. You left Zoei with Junmyeon, and you, yourself went back to bed.

Ahhh Jesus christ, that's what happens when you have a writers block > <
Follow @Zoei_Howell-Lester , you can guess she's Zoei in this story, I mean it's pretty obvious :P
Also I hope you liked this chapter, thank you for reading!
I love you~~

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