First Day

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You slowly awoke in your new room at Beacon. You looked around after you admittedly had on of the best sleeps of your life. You looked around the room to see all the beds empty. On the lower part of your body, you felt it. It was warm, comfy and just...perfect. Before you would look, you could see Weiss standing at the foot of her bed.

Weiss: Oh, you're finally up.

(Y/N): Sorry, I didn't mean to! I-

Weiss: It's fine. It's the weekend. I'm going down for breakfast. Just make sure to wake her up.

(Y/N): Who?

Weiss: Ruby.

(Y/N): What?

Weiss gestures to your lower body. You look down and gasp at seeing Ruby cuddled up to you, smiling. You realize that she was the one giving off the comfortable feeling from earlier.

(Y/N): How long has she been here?!

Weiss: She went down in the middle of the night. Yang recorded it.

(Y/N): Why?

Weiss: I don't know. Nor do I care. Just get her up and come down for breakfast. I don't want you missing it! You need it.

(Y/N): O-ok. Um, can you help me here?

Weiss: You're on your own for this one.

(Y/N): Weiss! Weiss! Please.

Weiss ignores you and leaves the room. You sigh a bit of annoyance and look back to Ruby. She just cuddles up to you and sighs and smiles. You gentle shake her.

(Y/N): (Whispering) Ruby. Ruby!

She opens her eyes and smacks her lips a bit. She looks up to see you and smiles. She suddenly comes to the realization and drops her smile.

Ruby: (Y/N)! Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!

(Y/N): No! It's fine.

Ruby: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. (She glances at your chest and realizes she is still cuddled up to it.) I'm sorry!

She lets go and you sit up.

(Y/N): Ruby, it's fine. It's just...why were you doing that?

Ruby: I...I thought you were cold. And-and you were kinda warm. And you just seemed to lonely.

(Y/N): ...ok? Let's...just get something to eat.

Ruby: Sure.

Both you and Ruby get up to eat breakfast. Ruby comes out from the bathroom changed into the outfit she had on yesterday while you remain in the only cloths you had with you, your work cloths from home. When Ruby looked at you, she gave you a questioning look which quickly morphed into an understanding one.

Ruby: Don't have much to wear, huh?

(Y/N): N-no.

Ruby: Welp, I guess after breakfast, that shall be our mission! Now come on, I'm starving!

Ruby grabs your hand and practically drags you out of the room and down to the dinning hall. Upon reaching the massive hall, you are in total shock by the size and scale of the room. Ruby takes you in a line with other students to an assortment of foods.

You didn't recognize half of the food and you didn't want to hold up the line so you just got the same thing as Ruby. You looked around the room for an empty space to leave Ruby to her friends, though like the line, she pulled you over to a table with the rest of her team sitting there pulls four new faces.

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now