Good Times

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You were in the Emerald Forrest, running for your life from Beacon. You had tears in your eyes and were the saddest you've been since you joined Beacon. You didn't mean to hurt Ruby, you hated hurting people, even Cardin. A part of you want to keep on running, though, another, larger, part of you thought best to end the pain you've caused.

You've ran through the Emerald Forrest before with Ruby and knew where to go. You ran until you reached your destination, a large cliff with a bottomless pit that Ruby claimed she fought a Nevermore here.

You stood at the foot of the cliff and began to use your semblance. You targeted yourself with the semblance and began to attack yourself. You did it again to drain your aura to the fall would kill you on impact. You did it again, forcing your aura to shatter, allowing you to jump and end it all. Just before you jumped, a cry from the forrest came.

Ruby: STOP!!!

You turned around to see Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang standing, watching you about to kill yourself.

Ruby: (Y/N)! What are you doing?

(Y/N): I'm ending this, Ruby. If I can't be here, then I'll stop the pain.

Ruby: (Y/N), we can help you! Please don't do it!

(Y/N): Fine! You do it!

Ruby: ...what?

(Y/N): I caused you pain. It's the only way.

Ruby: (Y/N)?


Both you and Ruby had tears in your eyes. You wanted her to kill you. You knew they hated you, there was no way of avoiding it. You were a hassle to them, a liability. You knew that you were a waste of space to them...and to Ruby.

As you were thinking this, Ruby slowly walked up to you. You both looked in one another's eyes. While Ruby had some tears in her eyes, you were furious. Not at Ruby, but at yourself.

(Y/N): Well?!

Ruby now looks a bit angry herself. So you knew this was the end. They took pity on you, and now, they kill you. didn't imagine what did happen. She grabbed your collar and smashed her lips onto yours. ...She...kissed you?

Your eyes are right open as you see Ruby kissing you. You didn't know what to do in this situation. You've never kissed anyone before. You didn't know what to do. You did what you thought was natural and closed your eyes, leaned in and wrapped you arms around Ruby.

Eventually, you both needed air and were forced away from each other. Ruby had tears in her eyes and she crashed herself onto your chest. You too, felt tears from your eyes and embraced Ruby, crying with her. Both of you fell to the ground in each other's embrace, crying.

Ruby: Please don't go.

(Y/N): I'm sorry. I-I don't want to hurt anyone.

Ruby: You won't. Now, please, come home.

(Y/N): Home?

You feel a hand on your shoulder. You look up to see Yang, giving you a smile. Weiss and Blake walk over and begin a group hug. Yang also joins in.

Yang: Ruby told us what happened.

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Yang: And since you did steel my baby sister's first kiss, you can make it up to us.

(Y/N): I will, I promise.

Ruby: Can we go home?

(Y/N): C-can we?

Blake: Let's go home.

The hug breaks off as Weiss, Blake and Yang walk away from the cliff. You get up as does Ruby who takes your hand and guides you down the path back to Beacon. You look at her and smile as she smiles back.


Once again, you awake in the Team RWBY dorm on the floor. You look down to see your now girlfriend, Ruby Rose, sleeping on top of you yet again. You rolled your eyes and smiled at her cute face. You gently shake her and she slowly opens her eyes. You both look at one another and smile.

(Y/N): You've got to stop doing this.

Ruby: What?

(Y/N): Sleeping like this. It's not healthy.

Ruby: You do it!

(Y/N): Because it's my bed.

Ruby: Well, why not sleep in mine?

(Y/N): Because it's yours. Not mine.

Ruby: Please! (She nuzzles up to you) You're so warm and cuddly.

(Y/N): Alright, alright. Fine. Stating tonight.

She smiles and kisses your cheek. You can't help but blush at the gesture.

(Y/N): Come on, let's get some breakfast.

Ruby: No! (She wraps her arms around you) Cuddle!

(Y/N): Ruby!

Ruby: Cuddle Time!

You ignore her pleas and get up. She also stands up only to grab your arm and pull you towards the bed. You get dressed with buy still tugging on you, you also get her dressed (you just get her usual dress wear for her and wait in the bathroom).

Even in the breakfast line, Ruby is still tugging on you to get you back to the room. As you walk over to your usual table, Ruby runs around and pushes, pulls and tugs on you to move you back but to no avail. You sit down at your usual spot as the rest of team RWBY and JNPR watch Ruby's efforts.

You continue to ignore her and just eat your breakfast. Everyone gives you some odd looks until Yang coughs to gain attention.

Yang: Relationship issues?

(Y/N): Kinda. (Ruby stops struggling and pants, catching her breath.) You done?

Ruby doesn't answer. Though she stops panting and starts pushing you again. You roll your eyes and begin using your semblance to maneuver her cereal spoon into her bowl and into her mouth to feed her. You keep this up and eat your own food as Ruby continues to struggle against you. She eventually tires out and faints due to the energy loss.

You catch her and make sure she leans against you.

Jaune: How'd you not get pushed around?

(Y/N): Semblance.

Jaune gives you a questioning look and you point to your feet. He looks down to see a (F/C) aura around your feet, keeping them in place.

Jaune: Good thinking.

(Y/N): Thanks.

Ruby then awakens and jumps onto your shoulders.

Ruby: I knew you were lying!!!

(Y/N): It's more or less I tricked you.

Ruby: Doesn't matter! Now, you owe me!

(Y/N): What? No I don't.

Ruby: Yeah, ya do. Twenty minute cuddle!

(Y/N): Ruby-

Yang: Have fun, lover boy.

(Y/N): Guys?

Weiss: This is on you.

Blake: We rather not get in the way.

And with that, Ruby finally is able to drag you back to the dorm room with her. On the way there, you both are smiling and laughing as you finally have a good life with an amazing girlfriend.  

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now