Failing Life

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You once again woke up on the ground with a good yawn. As you look around the room, you looked up and see Yang giving you a flirtatious look while dangling a hand off her bed. She gives you a small wave.

(Y/N): Hi?

Yang: Hey. Sleep well?

You nod.

Yang: Did Ruby?

(Y/N): What?

You look back down to see Ruby once again, wrapped around your body, a smile on her face and cuddling up to you. You smile a bit to yourself and wrap your arms around Ruby and cuddle up to her.

Yang: Hey!

You look up to Yang.

Yang: my little sister.

While shocked at the knowledge that Ruby and Yang were sisters, you nodded. Yang hoped off her bunk and leaves the room. You look back to Ruby to see her still asleep and cuddled up to you. You smiled and began to think that this Beacon idea was going to be a good choice.

You didn't know why, but you softly petted her head and she cuddled closer to you. Suddenly, your stomach growled which woke Ruby up. Like yesterday, she apologized, you said it was fine. You both got changed and went on down to the dining hall.

When you arrived, you just got some cereal and began eating.

Jaune: So, (Y/N). How have you been adjusting to Beacon?

(Y/N): Decently. I mean, a lot of people are nice here. Well, nicer than what I'm used to.

Jaune: Huh, yeah. Sorry about that.

(Y/N): No, it's fine. Just...some memories.

Ruby takes your hand into hers.

Ruby: It's okay.

You look at Ruby and nod a bit. Ruby gives you a big smile and you all continue eating. Once you finish you stand up to leave.

(Y/N): I have to go. Professor Goodwitch is training me with my semblance.

Blake: Really? Takes a lot of dedication for Goodwitch.

Ruby: What is it?! What is it?! What is it?!

Weiss: Ruby! Don't be a pest!

(Y/N): I rather not ruin the surprise.

Ruby: Argh! Fine!

You chuckle a bit and begin to walk out of the dining hall. Before you can get out, Cardin Winchester and Team CRDL stop you.

Cardin: Hey, disappointment.

(Y/N): Hi, Cardin.

Before you can get past, Russel and Dove stop you.

(Y/N): You mind?

Cardin: We just want to talk, that's all.

(Y/N): I've seen enough of your talks to last a lifetime, thanks.

Cardin: Not so fast!

He grabbed your arm and Sky shoved you on the ground. Before Cardin could throw another punch, you saw a red flash before you. You looked up to see Ruby standing between you and Cardin.

Ruby: Leave him alone, Cardin! He's been through enough!

Cardin: Relax, Red! I'm just gonna talk, that's all.

(Y/N): (Whispering) Leave her alone.

Ruby: Cardin! Knock. It. Off!

Cardin: Shut it, Red!

(Y/N): (Whispering) Stop it!

Ruby: He's innocent! Just stop!

Cardin: Why should I? He's pathetic!

Ruby: He's a person!

(Y/N): I. Said. STOP!

You use your semblance and knock Team CRDL back. You pick up Cardin personally with the semblance and throw him through a window. Once you calmed down, you turned around to see Ruby, a bit horrified but also relieved that Cardin was gone.

However, you did not see it that way and ran out of the room.

Ruby: (Y/N), wait!

Ruby ran after you as did the rest of RWBY and JNPR. You enter the hallway and hold your head in pain.

Ruby: (Y/N). What was that? What happened?

(Y/N): (To yourself) Leave me alone!

Ruby: (Y/N)? Is everything ok?

(Y/N): Leave me alone!

You use your semblance on Ruby and push her into a wall. When you do, the rest of the team comes out and sees you.

Yang: Ruby!

Weiss: What are you doing?!

When you realize what's happening, you let Ruby go. You look at her then the team.

(Y/N): I'm sorry.

Ruby: (Y/N), wait!

You run out of Beacon and into the wilderness. 

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now