No Nothing Day

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You released a strong yawn and slowly began to open your eyes as the natural alarm clock, the sun hit your face. You matter how much you didn't want to, you knew you had to get up and per chance, face your girlfriend and fellow teammates. However, something prevented you from doing so, and thus you got a bit more annoyed that morning. Given yesterday's activities, you just wanted to leave and stay silent and not talk or do anything that day other than eat and keep personal hygiene afloat.

You tried to get back up from the bathroom's floor, but something prevented you from doing so. You glanced down and saw that Ruby was somehow cuddled up to you and was easily between the tub/shower and the counter and toilet that you crashed between last night. That's when you noticed you were much closer to the celling than usual and the tile floor actually felt comfortable than when you usually walk along on it. That's when you suddenly realized you were no longer in the bathroom but in Ruby's bed with the girl herself.

At this point, you were never really surprised that she find some way to get you and her to sleep side by side. You rolled your eyes in a bit of annoyance and tried to get out of the bed, but Ruby had pulled you back in with her and cuddled back up to you. You sighed and decided to play along and wrap an arm around her.

Ruby: (Y/N) scared me yesterday.

(Y/N): I'm-I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. Really.

Ruby: You want to talk about it? I think it could really help you-

(Y/N): Ruby, no offense, but talking out it doesn't always make everything great. Sometimes you need to do something. (To yourself) And sometimes all you have to do is nothing.

Ruby: (Y/N), you know I don't like it when you talk like that.

(Y/N): Talk like what? Like a crazed lunatic? Like a sad and messed up boy?!

You were a little angry at Ruby but when you saw her face, sadness, fear and hated of yourself just began to take over. You turned around away from her and looked over to the wall. You sighed to yourself and got out of bed.

Ruby: Wait? Where are you going?

(Y/N): Will you relax. I'm just getting something to eat and probably gonna work on my weapon for a bit. I'll see you later.

With that, you took off and left for the cafeteria. You grabbed a few bits of food and retreated back and away to the workshop at Beacon. You ate in silence as you continued to construct your katana/rifle. As you were working, you would occasionally glance over to a particular sharp object in the exacto blade. You would think of all the things you could do with it. However, those images would leave your mind as you focused on breakfast.

The food got old real quick and soon, seemed less enjoyable. Sure, it was so much better than the crap you had back home and every time you ate, you felt blessed knowing this was your life now. However, everything just You continued working on your weapon design, trying to work through the hard metal and clashing bullets and what nots. Currently you were attempting to calibrate a spring to get it just right for your weapon to work.

While you were, you could hear a few bits of metal clashing behind you. You opted to ignore the clashing and focus more on the job at hand over background noise. Finally, you were just about to get everything in place when you felt a presence arise behind you.

Nora: HEY (Y/N)!

(Y/N): GAWH!

The spring came undone and the sword was launched across the room and hit the wall.

(Y/N): NORA?!

Nora: Whops. Sorry.

You slammed your fist down onto the workbench and actually caused a dent in the wood. Nora backed up a bit in fear as you walked over to your blade.

Nora: I was...just checking up on you. Ruby wanted me to-

(Y/N): I'm fine, obviously. Tell Ruby I'm good. (Nora began to leave) Is she ok?

Nora: Yeah, she's fine. Just missing you.

(Y/N): Same here.

With that, Nora left and you returned to your work of trying to get your weapon done. Since it was Saturday, you had more than enough time to get everything you needed done to get done that day. That still wouldn't have stopped you from eyeing down the blade and letting the ideas sink in. However, you were able to get your weapon done.

So, you went on down to the training room floor and went for a little test drive. You took aim at targets all along the wall and opened fire. The rifle had more than enough power to launch and destroy the wall several times. You then threw your blade and began doing a variety of tests. You then got the bright idea to use your semblance and pull your sword back to you.

When you did so, you used to much force and the blade threw back and graze some of your body. You winced a bit in pain as you realized your mistake after it hit you. You looked at the small cut you got and still had another flash back to your parents. Anger began to control you and set in. Your semblance was about to activate on its own until you began to take in deep breaths.

(Y/N): (To Yourself) Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts. Think happy thoughts.

You calmed down and went to bandage yourself up. You sighed to yourself again and leaned up against the wall. With the images of your parents still within your brain, a few tears entered your eyes. You sighed and sucked it up, grabbed your sword and walked back to your dorm room. Once you entered, no one was inside, which was great for you since you didn't want the interactions of the day.

You sat down by your make shift bed and began to read stuff along the internet with your scroll. After around a hour or so, the door opened and Ruby walked back in. She had a smile on her face and walked over to you.

Ruby: Hey.

(Y/N): Hey, Ruby.

Ruby: So, what have you been up to today?

(Y/N): Stuff. Why?

Ruby: Well, we were going to head on down to Vale and see what we could do down there? You want to come along?

(Y/N): No thanks.

Ruby: Really? But you love that kind of stuff.

(Y/N): I'm just not feeling it today.

Ruby: (Sighs) Ok.

Ruby walked over to you and pecked your cheek.

Ruby: Love you.

Ruby then proceeded out the door. You sat in silence for a few seconds before you sighed as well.

(Y/N): I love you too.

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now