Day in Vale

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Team RWBY, minus you, walked along the sidewalk, going through Vale as people walked aside and around them. As they were walking down the street, Ruby seemed more and more upset as everyone else seemed more than happy with their lives. However, both Weiss and Yang were able to notice Ruby's odd little state of depression and began to slowly down a bit and let Ruby catch up to them.

Yang wrapped her arm around Ruby's shoulders and pulled her into a tight embrace.

Yang: So, how are you doing little sis? Got something to say? To talk about it?

Ruby: No. I'm ok.

Yang: Ruby?

Weiss: Come on, Ruby. I'm suppose to be the depressed one here. Well, outside of (Y/N) that is.

Ruby: He's why I feel...destroyed.

Yang: What do you mean?! Did he hurt you?! I swear I'll bet him into the-

Ruby: No. He didn't hurt me. Well, not physically. It's just...I'm worried about him. A few weeks ago, he used to be so happy and we made him happy and cheery. We loved him. But I don't think he loves us anymore. He just seems more upset with us and doesn't want us to around him at all. He's worrying me.

Yang: Alright sis. We'll, let's sit down and talk about this. Come on.

With that, Team RWBY guided their leader to a small bakery to talk about their lost friend and teammate. Meanwhile in Beacon, you were back in your room, rolling down a long sleeved jacket over your arms and getting heavy gloves over your hand. You grabbed your newly made sword and began to do some practice swings. You swung left, then right and kept up the motions over and over again.

You glanced off towards the left side of the room and saw Yang's punching bag. It was usually used by Yang but it was more or less meant for the whole team. Blake and Yang were the ones to use it the most. You glared at it and began to walk over to it. You got in front of it and began to swing left and right, throwing more and more punches with every swing. The more you swung, the angrier you seemed to get over all. You saw flashes of your mother and father and you kept swinging.

You began to almost break some of the punching bag. However, before you could let your anger get over you, the door knocked. You sighed and walked over. On the other side was Jaune and Pyrrha.

(Y/N): Yeah?

Pyrrha: (Y/N). Are you ok?

Jaune: You just seem so...upset. Is there something you need or want to do?

(Y/N): No thanks guys. I just want to lay down.

Jaune: Are you sure? I mean, are you sure there is nothing you want to-

(Y/N): I'm fine. I'll see you guys later at dinner.

You closed the door and your friends walked off. Before you could return to your bed, the door knocked again. You groaned and walked back to the door.

(Y/N): Guys! I said I was fi-

You swung the door open and before was Ozpin, which made you stop in your tracks.

Ozpin: You're late for your meeting with Professor Goodwitch. Why are you? This is your first time being late.

(Y/N): Sorry. Lost track of time I guess. I'm-I'm sorry.

Ozpin: (Sighs) (Y/N). This isn't about last night is it?

(Y/N): Sir, It's not.

Ozpin: Are you sure?

(Y/N): I'm sure.

Ozpin: (Sighs) Very well. Let's go.

With that, Ozpin and you walked out and towards the arena. You entered the arena and Glynda was standing in the center of the place. She gestured to a few blocks and you began your training. You moved some blocks, you lifted some of the ground, you meditated and did a variety of work for the group. You continued to move around and practiced your semblance. Finally, you and Glynda stopped and she sent you back to Ozpin.

(Y/N): Well?

Ozpin: Well, I think we have tackled everything possibility for your semblance other than control activation. But for now, we will let the final trail begin.

(Y/N): And that trail is?

Ozpin: A fight.

Ozpin stepped out of the arena. You gave him a questioning look until he gestured forward. You looked forward and gasped as Glynda stepped into the ring. She readied her crop and took aim at you. You let a (F/C) aura enclose your hand and got ready to fight her.

Back in Vale, Team RWBY was inside a small bakery, sitting around a table. Ruby was slowly eating cookies while Yang was having a large sandwich. Besides those two, Blake was having a tuna sandwich and Weiss was having a muffin.

Yang: Seriously Weiss, why do you have to eat a muffin with a fork and knife?

Weiss: Because I am not an animal. I know finger food, but I'd rather be polite and have a nice meal over some sort of snack.

Blake: Ahem! Can we please get back to the conversation at hand. I don't care about (Y/N) in the same way you do Ruby, but he is still a member of our team. And we need to care about him.

Weiss: Agreed. Clearly he still has his depression to deal with. High anxiety and being extremely socially awkward are also things he needs to work on.

Ruby: I'd thought that me kissing him, us dating, and other things I did for us would have brought him out of it.

Yang: Ruby, it's not that easy. He's going to be depressed for years. It won't just go away after one good day.

Ruby: But I-But I-

Blake: I'm sorry Ruby. But it is never that easy.

Ruby sighed and slowly began to nipple on her cookie. Yang patted her back and she just sighed in defeat.

Ruby: So, what are we going to do about it?

Yang: Well, do we know what he likes to do?

The table went silent. Everyone turns to one another looking for an answer. When no one spoke, Ruby sighed once again.

Ruby: Well, we know what we have to do now! So, let's get going.

So, the girls paid for their meals and went out back to Beacon. You and Glynda glanced at one another and ran forward one another and clashed your abilities. You and her engaged one another in a telekinetic battle, bouncing energy off of one another. As the power conflicted with one another, you you shifted the power and grabbed some earth and threw it at Glynda.

She easily deflected the throw and shattered the rocks into needles and threw it towards you. You grabbed some more earth and blocked the attack but could not block Glynda grabbing you with her semblance and throwing you across the room. You slammed into the ground and she grabbed you in place and threw you against the wall and knocked you into the wall.

Glynda: You clearly weren't trying at all.

(Y/N): Well, sorry.

You got up and walked off. Both Ozpin and Glynda looked at one another in concern and watched as you walked off. 

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now