Party Time

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The day hasn't been the best overall. You had been training with Ozpin and Glynda for a few hours and you were beyond tired. The rest of your team was out and your friends began to ask questions about your terrible lifestyle and life itself. You ignored your friends and walked off back to your dorm room. You walked into your room and sighed to yourself and walked over to your bed and just crashed on a bed. You cuddled up to a pillow and began to go to sleep.

However, people seemed to have entered the room. You could feel someone was slowly walking up to you. Your eyes shot open and you leapt up and rolled forward and grabbed the person by the thought and was about to attack them. They got you out of the grip and elbowed you in the arm and knocked you back.

Ruby: (Y/N)!

You stopped as you noticed that it was your girlfriend and your team standing there and having more than enough concern for your and their own safety.

Yang: You ok, (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Y-Yeah. Sorry, you guys just startled me. So, what's up?

Weiss: (Y/N), you look drained.

(Y/N): Yeah, been training with Ozpin for a couple of hours. Sorry. But I don't need an adventure right now.

Ruby: We weren't going to give you an adventure. Just wanted to make sure you were alright. And...we just wanted to see if there was anything we could do for you. To make you happy.

(Y/N): Well, I am happy.

Ruby: (Y/N), you're not! You seem to be more angry. You never want to do anything else with us. Did, did we make you upset?

(Y/N): What? No-no. Not at all. Look I'm just...adjusting. I'm fine, don't worry about me.

Ruby: (Y/N), I'm just want to make sure you're fine.

(Y/N): I'm-

Ruby hugged you. You slowly wrapped your arms around her and braced her more tightly. She cuddled up to you and pecked along your neck.

(Y/N): Ok, ok. I just...don't know.

Ruby: Well, come on.

(Y/N): Wait, where are we going?

Yang: To Team JNPR.

(Y/N): And why, exactly?

Yang: PARTY!

(Y/N): What?

You weren't given a direct answer as you teammates dragged you out and into the room across the hallway. They then almost threw you into the next room and Team JNPR was standing around the entrance with smiles on their faces.

JNPR: (Y/N)! Surprise!

(Y/N): What is this?

Ruby: Well, we wanted to make sure you were ok, so-

Weiss: And since we didn't know any of your favorite stuff we kinda went with basic stuff.

(Y/N): Guys, you really didn't have to-

Ruby: (Y/N)...please.

(Y/N): (Sighs) Ok, ok. So, you want to get this started?

Everyone: Yeah!

With that, you and your teammates and friends began to enjoy yourselves. Yang, Pyrrha and Nora began to set up the party games while you, Ruby and Jaune play one another in a video game. You did decently despite not even playing any video games in your entire life. From there, the party games began.

There was pin the tail on the donkey, limbo and so forth and so on. Your friends even made you cake and got some ice cream. Ren even began to bake pancakes for you all. You also offered to make some food but Ren and your friends wanted you to relax for a bit. However, Nora of course has already eaten the entire plate of pancakes. Of course that got a laugh out of you all and made you a bit happier. You guys had a great breakfast for dinner meal, easily enjoying the pancakes, toast and waffles.

From there, there was cake and ice cream. The cake was great, chocolate was indeed your favorite flavor. The ice cream combination was also great. You got icing all over your face, causing you and your friends to laugh. From there, you and your friends then began to play some more video games. A tournament was made as well, and a large bracket was created.

Of course, you were the first eliminated due to the fight against Yang. Ruby beat Weiss, Jaune bet Blake, Nora was able to beat Pyrrha and Ren got through with a by. You began to cheer on for Ruby as she battled her sister. Ruby was able to win with a great deal of effort and needless to say, Yang was a bit upset. Jaune was also able to beat Ren and Nora passed through. Yang was brought in from the losers pools.

From there, you continued to cheer on your girlfriend but Jaune was able to beat her in the last minute. Ruby was upset and sad you decided to comfort her. You wrapped your arms around her and sat in on a bed. Afterwards Yang was able to win against Nora and then it came down to the blondes themselves. Jaune and Yang went all in against one another and showed no remorse in the game at all. However, Yang was beat and Jaune was proven victorious.

You all laughed to yourselves and you all continued to enjoy the day. You were allowed seconds and began to eat some more pancakes and cakes. Nora somehow got onto the icing and began to eat raw icing from the container. Ren and the rest of JNPR were more than annoyed but you and RWBY were laughing your butts off. After calming down from your joys high, you had all just began to lay around and talk.

You and Ruby were cuddled up on a bed while the rest were scattered throughout the room.

Jaune: And that's how I broke out of my own home.

Nora: Wow. That was...a story.

Yang: Well, I thought it was cool.

Jaune: Thanks Yang. See at least some one liked it.

Pyrrha turned over and glared towards Yang, the blonde bombshell grinning in response. You rolled over and looked towards the wall and began to think about things. Ruby turned over to you and you both then locked eyes after you rolled back over. You both smiled at one another and Ruby leaned in and pecked your lips.

(Y/N): Hey, I'll be right back.

Ruby: Where are you going?

(Y/N): Just running to the bathroom.

Ren: You, could use ours.

Nora: Yeah!

(Y/N): Nah, it's fine. Don't want to dirty your room.

You got up and ran out the room and over towards your shared room. You sighed and grabbed your blade and went into the bathroom. You took off your gloves and rolled up your sleeves to show cuts from yourself and your sword all along your arms. You sighed to yourself and took a deep breath before you brought your blade up to your wrists and cut. You began to damage your aura and you continued onward with the cuts.

You began to cut deep into your wrists, blood beginning to slip from them. Tears fell from your eyes as images of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, Yang, Jaune, JNPR, Ozpin and your parents. You just kept cutting them in and you finally finished with a few more slashes along your arm. You could feel the fresh blood dripped down from your arms.

Ruby: (Y/N)...?

You turned around and saw Ruby, tears in her eyes and the happiness is gone. What have you done to her?

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now