A Way Forward

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Things had been relatively peaceful since the whole...cliff side adventure. You and Ruby obviously continued your relationship and was nice and sweet. Sure dates were nothing more than going down to the cafeteria and buying sweets and other candy based items while you two were doing work. It wasn't anything difficult to say, sure Ruby and Weiss had to teach you some basic concepts here and there since you didn't have that formal of an education but it was still nice nonetheless. Besides, it gave you an excuse to be with Ruby so it was a plus.

However, night times were always the worst of the worst. You began to have nightmares again involving your parents and how they would...well, you know. You would stir awake in the middle of the night, sweating and rapidly sit up. Of course, Ruby would then come on down to your floor mat to calm you down, but it never stopped.

The nightmares made you lose sleep and soon, you began sleeping in class. Currently, you and your team were inside Professor Goodwitch's classroom. Ruby was in a fight against Nora. You always tried so desperately to watch, but you were asleep on the bench.

Glynda: Mr. (L/N)!

You quickly sat up and got your back straight. A few people around you laughed to themselves while your teammates looked at you with concern.

(Y/N): Y-Yes?

Glynda: Are you awake?

(Y/N): Uh, Y-Yes ma'am.


Everyone turned to the other side of the class and glared at Cardin and his team.

Jaune: Professor. I can fight (Y/N).

Glynda: No. He's over your skill level. Mr. Winchester. Get ready. You too, (Y/N).

You nodded in response. Before you entered the arena, Ruby gave you a peck on the cheek and smiled warmly at you.

Ruby: You'll do great! I know you will!

You nodded at Ruby and walked into the arena. You were still being taught on how to build a weapon so the only thing you got was your semblance and fists. Cardin readied his mace and cocked a smile at you. You raised up your arms and got into a stance. Without hesitation, Cardin ran towards you and reeled his mace back. You rolled forward to evade the attack but got caught in Cardin's swing.

While you were knocked back, you got to your feet and met Cardin face to fist. You threw a punch and hit his face twice before he blocked you and punched you in the gut. You used your semblance and pushed him back towards the edge of the ring but stopped just before it. You and Cardin ran towards one another again and you punched him twice in the stomach. The first punch was pretty good in your opinion but the second was beyond weak. Cardin then did the same to you, both hitting and both knocking you to the ground.

Cardin swung forward and threw you through the air.

Cardin: That was for pinning me to a wall.

Cardin ran towards you and got ready to strike. You rolled along your side and kicked him in his leg. However, with the lack of energy and sleep you could get barely any energy into the strike. Cardin slammed his mace onto your hand. Flashes of your father came through. You triggered your semblance and was able to throw Cardin off of you and back out and away from you as well. Your semblance launched him into another wall and almost crushed his armor in.

Finally, you dropped both Cardin and your semblance. He was about to run over to you but Glynda stepped in the middle and stopped you both.

Glynda: ENOUGH! It was clearly my poor judgement for this fight. Mr. Arc. If you would guide Mr. (L/N) here to the lockers. Class dismissed.

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now