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The bright light of the morning hours shine down and directly hit you in the face. You groan and roll over to avoid the lights of the sun. The more you buried your head into the pillow, the more you knew you were about to wake up. Then you felt the back of your shirt get pulled up and someone began to scratch your back. You smiled to yourself and now realized you were fully awake. You turned back and saw the female figure sit on your back.

(Y/N): Not now. I'm tired.

The figure then leaned forward to reveal it was an older looking Ruby. She wrapped her arms around your head and kissed your cheek.

Ruby: You're always tired. Come on!

(Y/N): Ok, ok. I'm up, I'm up.

Ruby got off of you and pulled you to sit up. She gave you a light smile as you rolled your eyes and smiled back at her. She then rolled away and towards the end of the bed until you grabbed her and pulled her back into a hug. Ruby smiled slightly until you began to tickle her around her stomach. Ruby began to explode from laughter and you just laughed along with her. Ruby used her semblance and hopped up and over and pulled you back down onto the bed.

You both looked at one another and laughed. Ruby got onto your stomach and you both locked eyes and stopped laughing. Ruby leaned down while you leaned up and the two of you locked lips with one another and had a passionate kiss. You wrapped your arms around her and pulled her down towards you and kept the kiss going. However, Ruby was able to break the kiss a bit and moved back to her original position. You attempted to follow her but she stopped you and gave you a faint smile.

Ruby: We got to get moving.

(Y/N): Do we really have to? I don't even think we have anything to do today.

Ruby: Training, we need some milk and eggs, clean the basement and we still have work to do.

(Y/N): (Groans) We're a professional huntsman and huntress. We get paid a lot more than you think. Besides, it's not like we're desperate or anything.

Ruby: Hey! Don't blame me for that stuff. You've been the one working for the past few months anyway.

(Y/N): Why do you think I want to pass out?

Ruby: Well, you were the one who got me pregnant!

(Y/N): Well, you wanted a kid.

Ruby: You didn't.

You two just remain silent and look at one another. She sighs again and hugs you once again and kissed your cheek.

Ruby: Sorry.

(Y/N): Don't apologize. Just nervous that's all. (Sighs) Ok. I'll get breakfast started and we'll-

Ruby: Already made breakfast. And I kinda at all your eggs.

(Y/N): That could explain why we need eggs. Did you finish-

Ruby: I finished the muffins, yes.

(Y/N): And did you-

Ruby: I finished the milk too.

You sighed as Ruby laughed awkwardly to herself. You leaned in and pecked her cheek and gave her a warm smile.

(Y/N): I love you, you know that.

Ruby: Yep.

With that, the two of you took off for your days. You had married Ruby a little bit after you two graduated from Beacon. While you didn't finish with top honors, you still passed and were able to get your license. Ruby's father, Taiyang, also seemed to enjoy you, enough to let you know that he approved of your relationship with Ruby and even let you both get married.

Ruby X Depressed Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now