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July 15 1861 North Carolina

That is what Imogene was greeted with as she opened her front door. "Mama?" She called out. No one responded. Imogene checked her pink gingham skirt again, and adjusted the cameo brooch at the neck of her white blouse, before proceeding to the dining room. The dining room was empty, but from the kitchen she could smell a sugary sweet scent. A grin spread across Imogene's face. Cake. Her family was planning on surprising her! She quickly pushed into the kitchen hoping to find Sissa, her best friend, cooling herself by the icebox the way they had done together so many July days before. Sissa would spill any surprises planned to her. Particularly after the party Imogene had just thrown Sissa. To bake a cake for a slave would seem unheard of, but Sissa and Imogene's friendship was a very special thing. Her mother and Sissa's mother, Elinn, were best friends as well, and had grown up together in New Orleans. When Georgiana got married she brought Elinn with her as a "house slave". Not a very accurate term for Elinn who dressed nearly as nicely as Georgiana, and who only cooked for special occasions due to her talent in the culinary arts. Elinn had quickly fallen in love with one of Imogene's father's foremen, and her Mama and Elinn had been fortunate enough to become pregnant near the exact same time. Sissa and Imogene were destined as friends from the start. Yet, as she entered the kitchen all thoughts of birthdays, cakes, and friendships disappeared from Imogene's mind. For in the kitchen sat Elinn in a wooden chair desperately trying to comfort her mother who seemed incapable of lifting herself from the floor so great was her grief. "Mama!" She cried out. "What ever is the matter?" Georgiana lifted her head to meet her daughters eyes. Her doe eyed  stare blurred by her tears. "Oh, darling," she whispered. "We just received news from Virginia..." she choked out another sob. "There was a terrible battle, the Union completely outnumbered our men... Oh Imogene, Charles is dead!"

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