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New York October 3 1921

Imogene waited in front of Georgina's for Stanley to pick her up. She was dressed in her favorite dress. A just past the knee dress in a light gray color, with navy blue details. It accentuated her pale skin, dark hair, and soft gray eyes beautifully. A soft grey mink shawl laid around her shoulders to keep her warm from the cool October night. The street lamps illuminated the colorful leaves in the trees. In the time Imogene had spent in New York, October had always been her favorite time of the year. Having her first ever date in this perfect place, at the perfect time of year was an idea she just could not brush off as coincidence. She adjusted her curls underneath the navy headband, and fought off the urge to run home. This would be her first attempt at a romantic experience. Her first time going out alone with a male companion. She fiddled with her small grey clutch as another breeze blew leaves down the street before her. "Ma'am" Stanley said breaking the quiet. It was if they had planned outfits together. His suit was a light gray  and he wore a navy blue shirt, and tie. He gave a slight bow, and tipped his hat to her. "Stanley." She said in the softest, and sweetest voice she could manage. There was a moment of silence as he stared at her, clearly at a loss for words.  She felt the blood creeping into her cheeks, and to thaw the building tension quickly asked where they would be eating. This seemed to snap Stanley back to the present. "Across town Miss Imogene." Imogene suddenly wished she had worn more practical shoes. Stanley seemed to read her thoughts. "No need to look so troubled." He laughed. "We won't be walking anywhere tonight. He gestured to the entrance of Central Park across the street from the entrance of Georgina's. Almost as if by magic, Imogene heard the sound of hooves hitting the pavement, and a carriage pulled by two white horses appeared. Imogene felt as if she had been transported back to her father's plantation. It had been nearly fifty years since Imogene had been in a carriage. After her father passed she had started riding horse back everywhere. Stanley reached out to her, and helped her in before climbing in himself. Off they went, through the large and gorgeous park, the sun setting quickly, and the moon taking its place. It's silvery light made the park look like the enchanted forests in the stories she read to Emma every night. She decided instantly she would have to take Emma Jean on one of these carriage rides. The ride seemed to end all too soon. Once again, Stanley helped Imogene out of the carriage before leading her down a quiet dimly lit street. He stopped at the door of what appeared to be a closed down barber shop, and gave her a small grin. He raised his hand and did a strange patterned knock on the door. Imogene was suddenly afraid... was Stanley part of a gang... was she about to be murdered?! Then the door swung open. It was Mickey. "Stanley, my man! I thought you weren't ever going to come! And you brought the lovely Miss DeLacey! Come on in!" Imogene was extremely confused. What kind of a date was it to bring a girl to an abandoned barber shop where his best friend was hanging out? Mickey led them to the back towards a door that seemed to be a supply closet. That is until it opened to reveal a hallway. Imogene could not decide whether to be scared, or adventurous. A choice that was made quickly for her when Mickey reached the end of the hall,  and threw open the door to reveal a large room, and a raging party. Imogene's first thought was that the women's dresses were much shorter than hers. Her second was that the music was wonderfully loud. Her third was that there was some scent in the air she couldn't immediately identify. And then she did. Alcohol. This was an infamous speakeasy. Imogene turned on Stanley. "Why would you bring me here? This whole operation is illegal! I have a business to run!" Stanley smiled at her as if he had been expecting that exact reaction. "Imogene," he said slowly, and she felt pleasant tingles as he said it, "I don't truly have the slightest idea how old you are. But I can sense one thing about you. You never got to be young. Behind that old soul, there's a girl who deserves to have at least one night of fun." She prepared to argue his statement, but then froze. He was right. At the pinnacle of her youth she lost the man she was certain was her one true love, and became an eighteen year old spinster. She slowly turned to a host that was watching them intently before saying as bravely as she could, "A table for two please."

After gorging themselves on pastry pigs, oysters, and deviled eggs (As Stanley said "Don't you dare bring the lady a salad!"), the two got up the dance to the lively music. Stanley was quick to teach Imogene the Charleston, along with a few other dances, and soon they were whirling around the room like a tiny tornado. In Stanley's arms Imogene had never felt more her true age: eighteen. The two laughed, danced, and drank spirits well into the night. At almost two a.m. Stanley seemed to realize how late it was and was quick to say good bye to their friends for them. Stanley hailed a taxi for them, and helped a tipsy Imogene in, giggling as she went. She spend the drive with her head laid on his chest, and was sad when the taxi came to a halt before her house. Stanley spoke to the driver, then escorted her to the front porch. Imogene froze. She knew how the more modern girls ended their dates... she wondered if Stanley did too.  She quickly straightened up to thank him for the wonderful evening. He assured her the pleasure had been all his. Then he softly and slowly leaned down to place a kiss on her cheek before tipping his hat to her, and walking back to the cab. Imogene remained standing o the porch her hand to her cheek until the cab was well out of sight. She then let out a squeal of happiness, before racing up to her bedroom, and falling onto the bed in a state of bliss.

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