The Dwyer Account

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"It's not your fault Luke. We couldn't take a hit like that. Everyone knows the Dwyer Business was headed south except the Dwyers themselves. It was smart to pull out when we did." Joseph says.

Jonathan sits at the head of the table and leans back into his chair.

"It was a smart decision. We all agree." He says but his eyes wander off elsewhere.

Luke had decided to pull away from the Dwyer account we had in Australia. They were a family owned company like ours but half the size. We had supported them through a recession went through.

But recently, Luke had discovered many shady connections between the Dwyers and one of our NG enemies along with signs of corruption. So we decided to cut off our ties to the company without warning.

Jonathan had been the one to officially cut relations and signed the contract to pull our resources with Evan Dwyer present.

Enrique, Luke, Joseph, Pierce, Ava, and I sat around the large conference table to discuss. Jonathan looks down at the table.

"There's something you're refusing to tell us," Enrique says what we were all thinking out loud. We could read each other's emotions easily.

"Care to elaborate?" Pierce asks and we all turned to Jonathan.

"Ah, it's nothing to worry about just something he said didn't sit right with me is all," Jonathan says and rubs his forehead nervously. We all listen closely.

"He said that we would pay for what we did. Because we stabbed them in the back, they will come at us three times harder, something like that." Jonathan reveals and we all stay silent for a few minutes. Processing what he said, word for word.

"We've never received threats before?" Ava asks. She was only fifteen years old but learning the ways of the company just like we did. Soren would be here next year when he turned fifteen.

"Yes, but usually they're only empty threats. It doesn't happen often either. But with the Dwyers it's a little different considering their connections and their willpower to actually hurt us." Luke says.

I look at the desk. "But what will they attempt to hurt per say? We can always fix the company..." Enrique says but drifts off.

"No, they wouldn't touch us like in person. They couldn't, even if they wanted to." Pierce says and I look at Joseph.

He was in deep thought and analyzing our situation.

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