Seven Years

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I watch Joseph as he sleeps.

His chest slowly goes up and down with each breath. His blonde hair was sticking up in all directions. And there was a little bit of drool dribbling down the side of his mouth.

 He hasn't slept this good since the incident. But with Dakota around he's finally sleeping more, eating more, and just looks happier in general.

 I leaned against the wall and started to loosen my tie. I had just got back from a long night with Luke and Jonathan over at the company, running long strands of analytics. I bring the tie over my head and drop it on the ground. 

"Pick it up." 

I look up to see Joseph rubbing his eyes. 

"I pick up your ties every morning from the floor, but now I've caught you in the act. Stop being lazy and put it in the hamper like a normal person." He says with a yawn and stretches his arms out above his head. 

"Well good morning to you too."

 I say and I bend over to pick it up and put it in the closet. Joseph falls back into bed. "How was work?" He asks while staring at the ceiling. "It was a lot of work." I groan as I take my shoes off and toss them in the closet. 

"I think I might go back. I'm doing a lot better now that I have Dakota. Where is he?" Joseph asks as I take off my suit jacket using exaggerated movements to put it in the laundry basket.

 He throws a pillow at me while laughing. 

"Ah, he's downstairs eating and Nash wants the kids until five then my parents want them to spend the night with all the other grandchildren," I say and take off my screen watch. 

"Your parents are so cute." He says then gasps. 


He looks at me in shock and I look back confused. 

"Yeah, what's up? Is there something wrong?" I ask and go over to the bed, finally plopping down on the comforter after a long night. He checks his phone then groans as he starts to cry out with his head on my chest. 

"Peter..." He says again.

 "What? Am I in trouble? " I ask and Joseph looks at me. I was exhausted from my night in the office and he just sighed. "What day is it?" He asked and I look at him.

 "It's October 4th," I reply and pretend to open my eyes in shock like he did. "OH NO! Not our 7th wedding anniversary! Ahhh!" I say sarcastically and he punches me, but unlike before it actually hurts now.

 "You wanna fight? " I joke and he laughs. "I could take you any day!" he says with confidence and sits up. Giving me baby punches. "Let me sleep for at least an hour, Jojo. I was up all night so it's not a fair fight. Oh, and I made you breakfast though while you were sleeping." I tell him and closed my eyes. 

I feel his lips come up against mine but then I feel him get on top of me and pin my arms down. I wake up and narrow my eyes. 

"Peter, we've been married for seven years." He says dramatically and I roll my eyes. 

"And we'll be married for seven more. Now can you get off of me so I can sleep?" I ask and he pushes off of me, sitting up and crossing his arms.

 "Do you still find me attractive?" he asks and I just look at him.

I'm guessing he's not going to let me sleep anytime soon.

 "Of course I do. What kind of question is that?" I ask and he raises an eyebrow, clearly not believing me. 

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